Chapter 10 - Once Upon a Nightmare

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The school year had ended and both Regulus and Amaryllis were back at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. While both of them were glad to be back in the townhouse they were also a little upset that they could no longer spend time together as easily.

Walburga had been on both their cases about maintaining a proper image. She had been keeping a close eye on Amaryllis making sure that the girl wasn't doing anything that could be perceived as improper for a girl of her age.

Amaryllis had been acting exactly as she had been told. There was none of the small drops of character than she sometimes had while at Hogwarts. While at Grimmauld Place she was the perfect pureblood girl.

After informing Evan of their wish to join the Dark Lord Regulus and Amaryllis were directed to speak to Rabastan.

Rabastan was not surprised when he saw Amaryllis beside Regulus. After suspecting something between the two months earlier he had guessed that Regulus would consult Amaryllis about his decision and Amaryllis being the person she was would stand beside him.

Rabastan had been the one to inform the Dark Lord of their interest in his cause. While Regulus had obviously been on the Dark Lord's watchlist he'd been curious about Amaryllis having only heard of her in passing comments. The fact that they were both prepared to join him made him curious as to what there was with this mysterious girl.

They were a few days in to the summer break when both Regulus and Amaryllis received letters requesting their presence at a meeting. Upon seeing her letter Amaryllis went straight to Regulus' room to see if he got one two. They met in the hallway having both had the same idea. Upon seeing the piece of parchment clutched in the other's hand neither said anything. They just looked at one another knowingly.

It was later that day that they decided they needed to inform both of Regulus' parents about what they had done and what was expected of them.

That night at dinner they each sat in their seats. Regulus had long ago assumed Sirius' seat when he began to disgrace the Black name and Sirius had been placed in Regulus' old seat. When Sirius had up and left the previous summer Amaryllis had been told to take the seat Sirius had been in, Regulus' original seat. She had, up until then, been sitting in another empty seat at the table which was not part of an assumed position in the house.

As they ate in silence they Amaryllis and Regulus attempted to have a silent conversation with one another using only their expressions. Eventually Regulus decided it was time to speak up.

"Mother, Father, both Amaryllis and I would like to inform you that we have been invited to a meeting with the Dark Lord." Regulus said having fallen back into the proper way of speaking upon seeing his mother's tight lipped expression at the station.

"Oh, that's wonderful." Walburga said smiling at the two.

It was the first real emotion Amaryllis had seen from the woman, aside from the anger directed at Sirius that was. She was surprised by the smile she was receiving. She didn't realise the support she was going to receive for this leaving her rather shocked.

"When is this meeting?" Orion Black asked.

This was the first time Amaryllis had ever been involved in a conversation with Regulus' father. There had never been anything for her to converse with him about last break and now that she had the chance to she felt rather nervous. Regulus gave her an encouraging look urging her to tell his parents about their letters.

"The meeting is on Tuesday." Amaryllis said.

Regulus smiled at her. He could tell she was nervous about speaking to his parents together.

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