(21) The crow flies, The evil lie, and everyone dies

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"The crow flies, the evil lie, and everyone dies."


"We need to leave, this is much urgent."

George felt his body being shaken, trying to force him out of his sleeping state.

The blonde was already stood at the door, inhaling sharply as he blocked it.

Shouts George couldn't understand finally made their way into his ears as he saw Clay's body jerk with every thud against the door.

Cameron stood and looked around, "Davidson, how do we make our escape?"

He fumbled around his words as he stood and tried his best to think of a logical situation.

"We can't jump in the ocean, we'd be stranded and eventually die from dehydration and exhaustion,"

He looked out the small circular window and noted the color of the water was a dark blue.

"We need to push forward towards an emergency boat, by the looks of the water, we're farther out than we initially thought."

She nodded as she turned around, being the only one armed, "I'm counting to 3 when I say 3 you need to move unless you wish to be shot."

Clay nodded, biting his lip as he acted as a brick that denied anyone access from entering the room.


He threw himself away from the door as it flung open, immediately did shots begin firing as Cameron stood in the center of the room, not once ever flinching.

2 of the 3 men fell to the ground with a thud, the other began attacking physically.

"Your left!" George shouted from across the room where he stood with the blonde.

He watched as they kicked her leg, causing her to yelp as she fell to the ground, Clay was trying to get them on a boat, but he couldn't just leave.

The brunet saw as his first memory of the agency flashed before his eyes.

Heavy breathing and a shaking gun, he stalked forward carefully.


He watched as Stella shot multiple shots despite being shot at herself.

She jumped in front of him and protected him.

His first mission; the 'worst' day of his life.

He watched as Stella's life slipped from her blueish grey eyes like grains of sand in an hourglass.

No more people were going to die because of him.

So with adrenaline controlling his actions did he jump on the person attacking Cameron.

Cameron inhaled deeply as she coughed, almost choking to death.

"No-! don't-" The stranger inhaled deeply as they fought for their life.

"UndErstan..d," It was strained as the person's body fell to the ground with a thud, he crawled away as he watched Clay and Cameron arm themselves.

"The Spar deck, we need to get to the upper deck, if anything I'd assume we're in the Lower Whale."

They stared at him in confusion, the brunet sighed as he took a hand gun from the holster of the now dead person, "The very bottom of the ship, it's like the belly- you know what never mind."

Carefully, they stalked through the dark halls of the ship, every sound they made echoed.

The sound of chattering caught their attention, slowly did they press themselves against the wall, listening to the quiet mumbles of a stranger.

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