(2) Hardships and Scholarships

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December 30th-

"When you take a good look at the evidence and assume it's right, you are most definitely doing something wrong."

George sat in the back of the class, curiously gazing at the front

His professor had invited a guest speaker, someone who worked down at the CIA agency and knew all about these kinds of things.

They also had a Quantico guest speaker who seemed rather excited for their presentation

George began dozing off, he hadn't received much sleep the other night due to studying

Being top of the class meant everything to everyone

Everyone was fighting for the top student spot

No one was getting sleep, this was an actual war. One that George was not willing to lose, no matter how much money he spent on coffee to stay awake.

He snapped back into reality from his quick slip up when he heard a loud bang on the table echo throughout the room, startling everyone

A girl at the front of the class had hit her head on the table, having lost consciousness

She whined and groaned loudly as she messaged her forehead

"Ms. Greenwood, is everything alright over there?"

Snickers were heard all around the classroom

"Alyssa doesn't understand what hard work means."

He heard in the back of the classroom

People behind him began whispering

So her name was Alyssa?

"Her dad is a director at one of the Agency offices, I'm pretty sure he got her in for free!"

A scoff followed after

"What a loser, can't even earn things herself."

He heard the two girls snicker

He couldn't help but feel bad for the girl

She was famous around campus for being the daughter of a criminal

Her mother having been one of the largest criminals in the world, all while her father worked in an agency

Everyone made it their goal to talk about her when she passed by

He turned his head and threw a crumpled up piece of paper at his friend

Darryl Wistind


"George I'm literally sitting right next to you!"

The other whisper shouted

George rolled his eyes and nodded his head in her direction


"Let's invite her to lunch!"

Darryl thought for a moment

"George I have to study later on today."

"All you ever do is study."

Darryl scoffed and smiled

"You're one to talk."

George snickered and turned his attention to the blonde who was currently apologizing and sinking down into her seat

"We've had her in class all semester and not once have we spoken to her!"

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