(24) Freesias, Delphiniums, Iris' and Larkspurs

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"Freesias, Delphiniums, Iris' and larkspurs?"

"Quit being such a nerd and take the damn bouquet already."

George rolled his eyes as he entered a tech lab. He immediately felt the nerd energy radiating from the green-eyed brunet that sat at a desk smiling.

"George, Alyssa, meet Niki, she's a forensic genius! And their equipment here is so cool! It's the newest version that was released-"

Alyssa chuckled, handing the other the bouquet that George failed to take into his own hands, "Calm yourself, Darryl, your nerd is showing, Hi, I'm Alyssa, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, and I've heard so much about you from Punz,"

Alyssa stared at her with a raised eyebrow, "Punz? As in the Punz from the American branch?-"

Niki nodded with a small smile, "Before you guys arrived with Clay, were we in the midst of an investigation, murders were happening along the borders of Mexico, we had to team with Detective Callahan and Agent Ranboo's team."

George spaced out as he sat at a random island, sitting down as he fidgeted with the hoodie he was wearing, the same hoodie from the person he hated and loved at the same time.

"Darryl was telling me about how your team managed to chase down a killer down to the borders of Spain,"

Alyssa nodded proudly as she leaned against Darryl, "It was all thanks to this nerd right here, that mission took months to finally close."

Darryl grinned, "It was simple really, you just had to pay attention to the areas he killed in and what he chose to do at every escape, not only that but the fact that he targeted people with a certain ethnicity and lifestyles, proved it to be rather easy to solve once we stopped overthinking."

Niki nodded as George lifted his head suddenly, "Has Cameron left yet?"

The three of them nodded as they stared at the blue bouquet on the table.

"Why, was there something you needed to inform her of?"

He shook his head as he looked around for his jacket, no longer wanting to wear the green and white hoodie.

The three of them began quietly conversing amongst themselves as he stuck his hand in his pocket, confusedly pulling out a small baggie he had long forgotten about.

"I forgot I even had this.."

The three of them looked at him in curiosity, staring at the small earring in the bag.

"What's that?"

George handed the small bag to Niki, "I found it a few days after I returned to England, I was scoping out the crime scene and I found that under my old bed."

Darryl hummed, "I never thought Clay was the type to wear diamond studs."

Alyssa and Niki Oohed at the precious diamond.

George immediately stopped in his tracks as he looked back at the bag in Niki's hands.

"Clay never wore diamonds he didn't even have piercings."

Upon hearing that did Niki then pull on some gloves, "Mind if I try swabbing it?"

George shook his head, "No do as you please, you're the forensic genius, do what you do best."

She smiled and walked into a separate room, leaving the 3 of them alone.

"Hey George, what kind of earrings did your mom wear? Maybe it's just a coincidence."

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