(20) Fireworks

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George froze as he heard an unrecognizable voice echo in his ears.

His heart rate sped up increasingly fast as he pretended to sleep.

George wasn't naive, nor was he one to act impulsively; he took time to strategize and look at the odds, so with what little confidence he could muster he feigned normality.

"Mmmm.. just cold." He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping it was believable to the random stranger.

"Just go back to sleep darling,"

Too late for that, George was wide awake, his heartbeat never seeming to calm or slow down, he shifted in the bed and gripped the blanket with his hands.

He cracked an eye open and saw his coat and the empty holster where his gun used to reside.

He felt very much sick, if his gun was missing that could only mean this person had it.

He bit his lip as he heard footsteps retreat out of the room as the sound of a can opening caught his attention.

From where he laid on the bed could he then see blue smoke slowly beginning to enter from underneath the door.

He sat up, his mind racing as his eyes darted around the room.

He saw a random hoodie strewn across the dresser; it was indeed better than nothing.

He shot up and brought it up to his face, covering his mouth and nose as the fog slowly started to smell more and more like oil, or something out of a gas canister, maybe even something that could be highly flammable-

The realization hit as the sound of something igniting caught his attention.

Heart rate speeding up as he attempted to open the window.

When it would open however was when he inevitably grabbed a vase from the nightstand, preparing to hear the grimacing sound of shattering glass.

He could see fire dancing from outside the door as he slowly stopped and placed the vase down, pushing the nearest dresser against the door.

It was becoming unbearably hot as he ran back to the window, picking up the vase and smashing it against the window, it cracked and eventually shattered as George grew elated.

Fresh air filling his lungs as he began to slip out of the burning building.

The sound of multiple boots rushing up the stairs and banging on the door startled him as he fell, landing on a random stack of hay bales.

His eyes widened when he saw red lights explode in the air, with loud whistling noise as they all exploded in color.

He stood, limping towards the horse stable, his eyes landed on his leg which was bleeding.

The lights, smoke, and blood were suddenly getting to him as he slowly felt his body sway dangerously close from side to side.


He fell, the burn from his leg and the numbness from his forearms frightening him as he looked up.

Familiar brown eyes staring down at him with worry.

He was overjoyed: Cameron.

"Where's the other one?"

He couldn't speak, the sound of weapons being fired echoing loudly in his ears as he felt his eyes beginning to involuntarily slip closed.

She hissed in annoyance as she stood and began to remove the safety.

George couldn't die.

He wouldn't die.

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