(4) Power outage

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George was currently on the verge of passing out, his head leaning, falling more and more dangerously close to the table

A loud ring tone jolted him awake

"I'm up! I'm up I'm up..."

George groaned as he sat up, glancing at the clock that read 4:27 AM

It was way too late to be up, yet way too early to go to sleep

He stood and made his way over to his nightstand

Lifting his phone to his ear

"Yes, hello?"

". . ."

He didn't hear anything so he assumed it was an accident

Hanging up the phone and dimming the lights, crashing onto his bed as he prepared to sleep for the next 15 hours

Yet of course he couldn't

The phone rang again


He heard breathing on the other line

He groaned, it was too early to be dealing with this

"Fuck off and get a life."

He hung up once again and rolled over in his bed, getting comfortable in his bed

That was until the lights had suddenly gone off

He groaned as he stood

Picking up his phone and going to his recent calls, clicking on the shady ass number, hearing the person on the other line pick up

"Turn the god damn power on you creep it's too early to be dealing with this."

This time, they hung up without saying a word, or even breathing

George groaned as he made his way out of the room into the living room, his roommate already walking towards the front door to see if it was just them

"Eret, is the entire dorm's power off?"

He heard a hum as the door opened, both of them peeking out to see many of the people on their floor step out

Most of which had been studying or neglecting personal care, staying up watching shows, or just doing something at this ungodly hour

He watched as a girl down the hall exited the room with a candle, illuminating it for everyone

"Hey guys, my roommate just got off the phone with the school, the entire campus is in a blackout."

Groans echoed throughout the floor as they heard others whine

Their neighbor had suddenly exited his room, "How long?"

She shrugged, "They said it might last 3 days."

"3 days without power?!"

He heard multiple groans and shocked complaints

"I've never heard of a blackout lasting longer than a few hours."

Eret turned his attention to his roommate

"How are we going to eat?"

"We might have to go off-campus... I'm assuming the campus square is out too..."

Eret groaned, and he had every reason to be so pissed

This campus had everything for them

They had campus square, entertainment like arcades and cinemas, ice rinks everything

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