(25) Hourglass

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George ran through the cold and chilly air, no coat, no phone, no weapon, but one hell of a clue.

He was acting on impulse, grasping for the silver of hope that he didn't even believe was there.

Clay has changed him.

A blur of white crossed his eye but he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

Running into the house he once knew as his own hit him like a tsunami, but his adrenaline was pumping, he couldn't register anything at this moment as he ran into the living room.

Scanning the walls that were now being filled in to fix the small holes from previous bullets.

His eyes landed on the painting hung up above the fireplace, a small vintage clock underneath it on a small shelf, a brown glass bird sitting next to the clock.

With little struggle did he then pull the painting down, not seeing anything due to the darkness, yet he felt around for a light switch, after fumbling around did he then hear the soft click and the living room light turning on. It flickered and barely illuminated anything in the room, yet it was enough for him to get good luck at the painting.


He turned it around and noticed a tear in the back of the canvas, reluctantly pulling on the small tear, ripping the entire thing open only to be met with 3 different envelopes.

Relief flooded his mind as he held the envelopes close to his chest, relishing in the fact that even when they weren't here, his parents still managed to assist in the best way possible.

Slowly did he then tear the first envelope open as he propped himself up against the couch.

My Dearest George,

If you are reading this, I am most likely either being taken hostage by certain people or have already passed away.

How did she know two fates would be set out for her?

I fear we don't have time to explain what we wanted to, it is a shame that I will have not gotten the opportunity to hold you in my arms one final time. Your father and I have noticed some strange activity occurring around the Agency, no one allows us to contact you unless it's a holiday. The money in our bank account has been dwindling faster than we could comprehend. We froze the account and removed every single penny. Someone was messing with the banking accounts savings therefore the only other safest solution was to pull the money out until the issue could be resolved.

Cameron called the other day, told us about how you would be on a very important mission, we wanted to bring you home for your safety, but as I'm writing this I'm glad we didn't; they'll be coming for you, just like they have come for me.

The person is who will have done this is closer than you think. I bought this painting to tell you that the person who did this is‐–.

George furrowed his eyebrows as the ink seemingly ended, he flipped the paper on both sides and exhaled shakily.

"No, no, no, no, you can't- I," His breathing picked up as he gripped his hair.

Noting the other 2 envelopes that laid on the ground, he reluctantly picked up another and opened it.

Dear son, I am assuming I'm dead, but you need to know some very important information.

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