(16) Problems in aisle 16

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The pair stood awkwardly, smiling politely as they attempted to make their way around the two that stood still

The two blondes stared at each other and silently nodded

Normally this would be a moment where he would pull out his weapon and state his agency and that he needed them to lay on the ground, but this wasn't a crime scene, he wasn't on a mission. He had no reason to be suspicious; they were in a grocery store for crying out loud.

Clay only waved and shoved the other to the side, George could only roll his eyes once he'd caught his balance

The two continued on their way to a different aisle, having retrieved the items needed and wanting to escape that awkward atmosphere.

They both looked around and were suddenly approached by a girl much younger and smaller, she looked about 6, and she had tears in her eyes

Naturally, George would sometimes have to work with children on certain cases; it was crazy how he tolerated children more than he did adults.

"Hey, are you okay?", He crouched down and stared into her eyes, wiping the tears off of her cheeks as her lip quivered

"I lost- I lost my mommy!"

She cried even more as she stared at the brunets' eyes, he only grabbed onto her tiny hands and began calming her down, all while the other stood mesmerized

"Well do you remember where you last saw her?"

The little girl shook her head, gripping onto the hem of her yellow sweatshirt; staring at her white shoes as her brown hair covered her eyes

The brunet looked up at the blonde who in turn only shook his head and shrugged, mouthing the words 'i don't know what to do.'

He sighed as he looked around the isle, focusing his attention on the little girl whose green eyes now stared at her hands as they messed with the frilly parts of her skirt, trying to distract herself as the two strangers before her figured out a solution to her big and scary problem

George grabbed her tiny hand and began tracing a circle in the palm of her hand

"We're gonna play a little game okay?"

She only nodded slowly as he began to smile softly, "I'm gonna trace something on your hands and you have to guess what it is okay?"

She exhaled and nodded her head as he began to stand up, George began tracing a house in the palm of her hand as they began looking in the aisles

"Is that a starfish?"

He smiled and raised an eyebrow, "A starfish, Where'd you get that idea from?"

She smiled, "My TV at home, he's pink and wears green shorts and he has a tooth-like mine see?"

She pointed at her baby tooth and proceeded to talk about the starfish George and Clay could only assume as Patrick

"My mommy has a necklace like him, it's a starfish, just like mine."

They both looked at the little girl who held out the necklace for them to see, it was a sapphire star. That was a good enough clue for them to know what they were looking for

George felt off which is why he'd turned his head to face behind, yet no one was there. He stopped and focused, shutting his eyes as he listened to the sounds around.

The distant beep of items being scanned, the clink of an opening cash register, chattering, and the sound of boxes falling to the ground.

He opened his eyes as he nudged the shoulder of the blonde, signaling behind them

The Investigator and the AssasinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora