(18) Reboot

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"They what?!" George was appalled, "They think I killed my own family?!"


"There were witnesses in the same room as me! I was never even there!-"


He bit his lip as he exhaled shakily, nodding his head for her to continue

She sighed as she crossed her arms, "Every single person who was working on the same floor as you that day is dead."

"They're all dead, and guess whose still alive?"

His eyes widened as he stared at his hands

"They got access to the call, it's your voice George, it's your voice on the call. They claim you killed witnesses that heard your voice."

"But how could my voice be on the voice mess-"

"Over here!"

Cameron pulled out her gun, sighing as she shot the agent, silence enveloped them after

"Are you kidding me, Cameron?"

She only shrugged, "What? You think I can help the fact that my aim is perfect?"

"Didn't mean you had to kill the guy! I already have a price on my head."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Come on, I have a place where you two can stay."

It felt like hours of walking when they had finally entered the outskirts, the building's seemed to stop and the grass seemed to go on for miles

"Where the hell are we?"

She rolled her eyes as she smiled, "We're not there yet silly, we are getting on a boat."

Multiple hours of walking through a plain grass field that one could easily get lost in had they then reached a dock


Everything went black, as he and Clay both hit the ground, he reached his hand out to the other who in turn only closed his eyes

He too gave in to the suddenly overpowering urge of wanting to shut down


He awoke in a new environment, Cameron was steering a small boat as he and Clay both laid on the ground beside each other

"Ugh- my head hurts.."

She snorted as she threw him an ice pack

"Morning sleepy head."

Both he and Clay were now awake, Clay massaging the spot where George had been hit as he noted the fact that it was a deep dark color

"We could've suffered from severe head trauma you know."

She snickered at Clay's remark as she reached for an anchor, they were near a port.

"Where are we?"

She smiled, "Congratulations, you've just crossed a border. We are no longer in England."

He only narrowed his eyes as the other opened his mouth, "Illegally?"

She waved her hand dismissively

"Details shmeetails, listen just know I saved your asses, so come on, I need to take you to your new hideout for the next few days."

They both sighed, Clay, helping the brunet out of the boats as she began to walk along the docks

The first thing they noted was the fact that there weren't many large buildings; in fact, there wasn't much of anything.

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