(15) Change in plans

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George huffed in annoyance as he jumped the fence, dashing away as Clay fired his weapon.

"For fucks sake-"

Clay grabbed George's hand and led him up onto the roof, crouching and hiding as the people chasing began to disperse and look around

George sighed, quietly leaning his head on the wall, putting pressure on Clays wound

"They really are after you, what'd you do?"

Clay had whispered, wincing as George put a cloth over the would, wrapping it up tightly

"I just so happened to catch trouble from both the government and the bad guys, nothing new."

"I.. can't help but note the sarcasm in your voice.."

"Shut up! I knew we should've never gone out.."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

George only shook his head and sighed, continuing to wrap the cloth around Clay's wound as he caught his breath


No words left his mouth as he tightly wrapped the cloth around the other arm

"Not even going to tell me what's wrong?"

Agitation, pure agitation was all he felt as he was trying to think of their next move


"Shut up, Clay just shush for a few minutes!-"


It was a stern and assertive tone, yet still, it was gentle

He sighed as he looked up into the other's eyes, of which were narrowly staring back into his

"I'm fine.."

The other exhaled and rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself as he moved forward and began wiping George's wound

"oW what the hell-"

"Tell me that when you don't have blood on your forehead."

The brunet attempted to pull away, possibly create some sort of distance between the two, but a firm grip on his forearm was all he needed to sigh and stay put

He winced as the other attempted to cover up the wound for the meantime

"It would hurt less if you'd just stop resisting.."

George sighed, shutting his eyes tightly as he held onto the other hand

The blood had been cleaned for the most part and so the two continued on their journey, crouching as they slowly made their way along the roofs of England

"Where's your ap-"


George stared at the other and squinted his eyes as he raised an eyebrow

"Don't shush me-"

"George seriously shut up!"

"There are nicer way's to say that you know, Jesus fucking christ-"

"George shut the fuck up!"

The blonde had accidentally said that louder than intended

"FBI hands in the air!"

Their blood ran cold as they both stared at each other, they were currently arguing with their eyes

"Don't make me repeat myself! I will shoot if you fail cooperation!"

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