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I was in Brooklyn when I heard about these 'Avengers', and wanted to know who and what they were. I look through newspapers and tv's in shop keepers windows, trying to get some kind of information. I found out that they were heading on a mission today and decided to follow them.

I looked where to find them and saw a huge warehouse-looking building that a newspaper said was their 'Headquarters', so I found the address and made my way over. I saw them leaving the building just as I got there, so I followed them and they lead me to a open grass plain.

I hid behind a small, but big enough to hide me, hill, watching as another group of people came into view. As they walked closer, I realize that they wern't people, but some sort of aliens. I gag after looking at their faces.

God aliens are ugly. I thought.

I fix my mask before looking back over to the Avengers, and see them getting in their battle stance, ready for a fight. Then, they started running at eachother, and soon, began to fight. I try to move to get a better view, but step on a branch, making a loud crack. The Avengers didn't hear it, but one of the aliens did, looking over in my direction.


They swing their arms around, creating a fire ball, and chucks it at me. My eyes widen and I couldn't move out of fear.

Suddenly, I was picked up and swing in the air, someone clinging onto me tightly. I gasp and try to push off of them, but they hold me closer.

"Hey, you're alright. Why are you here? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?" A young voice scolds me

I look up and see a red mask with white eyes looking back at me, confusion written over them. I gasp again and manage to push off and away from him, falling down.

"Hey!" He yells, diving after me

Just before I hit the ground, I flip over, creating a wall of air to catch my fall, but the same alien from before, now threw a boulder at me, hitting me and causing my back to fly into a tree. I fall to the ground, groaning as the strange creature runs at me, but before I could defend myself, the young man jumps infront of me, something flying from his wrist, sending the monster flying backwards infront of the members of the good guys, causing them to look over at us.

Another guy in a red suit comes flying over, landing infront of me. He trys to see if I was ok but I gasped and punched the air, sending him back a couple feet. He removes his mask, looking at me with a shocked expression, before walking out of the suit entirely. I scramble back when he slowly started walking towards me, holding his hands out infront of his chest.

My back hits the tree again, my breathing speeding up through my mask as he gets closer. When he gets a couple feet infront of me, he stops and bends down to my level, his hands still infront of him.

"My name is Tony, what's yours?" He asks calmly

"Izzy" I pant out

"Pretty name. Can I ask you why you're here?"

I don't answer and look away.

"Mr. Stark! We won. Everyones coming over" the young man calls

"Peter, tell them not to" the older man calls back, still looking at me


"Just tell them"

The younger one nods and runs over to his teammates.

"You're hurt, can I help you?" Tony says to me

I look at him confused and he points to my arm that has a huge gash over it from a tree branch. My adrenaline was fading and I started to feel a sering pain the that arm. I hold it close to my chest and curl into a ball, moving away from Tony.

"I won't hurt you, I promise" he says

I slowly reach my arm out and he gently take it, turning it to look at the cut, making me hiss in pain.

"I'm sorry" he mutters

"I can heal it" I say through clenched teeth, trying to fight the pain

He lets go of my arm and I pull it to me again.

"You can? How?"

"I need a little water" I mumble more to myself, looking around for a puddle or something

I see a small pool of water 3 feet away from me and try to get up to get closer, but my legs give out from exhaustion. I huff and lean my head against the tree before lifting my hand, causing the water to rise and come towards me.

Tony watches in amazement as the water surrounds my hand as I press into the wound. I close my eyes and concentrate, making the water glow, healing the inside of the cut first, then the outside.

After I had finished, I let the water fall to the ground and sigh in relief that the pain was gone.

"What are you?" Tony asks

"A bender" I say chuckle

"What kind of bender?"

I was about to answer when a huge whoosh of air came from infront of me, revealing a tall man in a red, white and blue suit. He walks towards me, causing my breathing to speed up again. As the man gets closer, I start to feel scared again and throw my hands over my head, making 4 slices of earth surround me, covering my body from the strange mans gaze.

"Parker! I told you not to bring them over here!" I could hear Tony's muffled yell

"I'm sorry! I tried! You know he doesn't listen to me!" Peter yells back

I could feel the mans heavy footsteps stop inches from me, and could hear his suit creak as he bends down.

"Who are you?" He asks curiously

"Hey! Leave the poor girl alone!" Tony yells at the man

"I was just asking her a question" he defends

"I don't care! Get away from her!"

I could feel him stand up and back a good ways away, before I put my hands back down, sending the earth back into the ground. I look up and see a small group of men looking at me. I hug my knees and make sure my mask was still on, which it was, and lean against the tree.

"Why are you here?"

"Why did you follow us?"

"Do you have any idea what could've happened? You could've died!"

"What are you?"

Questions flooded my head as the people around me all talk at once. I cover my ears, trying to stop the noise, but with no avail.

"Stop" another man says sternly

The talking stopped and I look up and see that it was the same man from before. He crouches down infront of me and smiles, sitting down on the ground and looking at me. I watch him with weary eyes, wondering what he's doing. The man smiles at me again and sighs before speaking.

"I'm Loki"

"Izzy" I respond quietly

"Are you ok?"

"I think so" I reply shortly

"Why did you follow us?"

"I don't have to tell you" I hiss at him, getting defensive

"I know you hurt yourself and saw you heal the wound" he ignores my rude comment

"So what?"

"You're not human. Where is your home planet"

I flinch at the word 'home' and look at the ground.

"What happened to it? Were you attacked-"

"I don't want to talk about it" I say loudly, still staring at the grass beneath me

"I want to bring you back to the compound with us" he says after a few minutes of silence

"Why should I trust you?"

"You just have to. Come on" he says, standing up and holding his hand out for me to take

I slowly reach for it, helping to pull myself up and walk with him back, the rest of the team following us as I listening to his storys of missions he's gone on.

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