Movie Night

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We made it to the movie theatre and sat down in one of the back rows so we could be a little loud with talking or giggling in my case. The movie started as everyone filed in, sitting in the front seats. I pull my legs to my chest and rest my head on Peters shoulder. He sighs and smiles, laying his head on mine.

"Cutie" he whispers

"Shut up" I smile and hide my face in my knees

Peter chuckles and kisses my hair, turning his gaze back to the screen. I smile and move my hands so I could see the movie and sigh.

It was really boring for my taste and I got bored 30 minutes in. I started squirming to keep myself occupied when Peter rested a hand on my knee.

"You ok?" He whispers

"This is so boring" I groan quietly, leaning on him

Peter chuckles and grabs my hand, pulling me up.

"Come on, show me what you bought" he says

"You care about that stuff?" I ask, following him out

"I'm curious" he shrugs

I chuckle.

"Race you" I smirk

"Oh you're on" he laughs

I sprint towards my room, Peter right behind me and gaining ground and speed. I shove my door open just as Peter bumped into me, causing me to fall, him on top of me. I was panting and looked into his eyes, him doing the same.

"Ow" I laugh

Peter bursts out laughing.

"Sorry" he giggles

"Shut up" I smile, pushing him off of me "You wanna see my clothes or not?" I ask, throwing the bags at his head

He opens them and takes out everything in them like it was Christmas, looking at them curiously. I giggle when he a shirt up to his chest and looks at me.

"This could fit me!" He exclaims

I decided to play with him.

"You calling me fat?" I ask, raising an eyebrow

I saw the look in his eyes change from amazement to 'oh shit'.

"No. I- I didnt mean it like that-" he stutters

"Oh I think you did" I say, standing up and turning my back to him to hide a smirk

"Izzy, no, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I swear" he says worried, standing up and turning me around to face him

I stare into his eyes, not saying anything.

"Can I make it up to you?" He asks

"I know one way" I say slowly

Peter looks at me for a second confused before I slowly push my lips on his. It takes him by surprise before he smiles and wraps his arms around my lower back. He pulls back and stares into my eyes, pausing.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, playing with the back of his head

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask you something"

"And what would that be?"

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks quietly

"I dont know, let me think about it" I tease him, grabbing his cheeks and squeezing a little

"Izzy!" He whines

"Alright, alright. Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I giggle

Peter's eyes glow up and his face beams in happiness. He picks me up and swings me around, making me squeal and laugh at the sudden action. He sets me back down and kisses me softly, grabbing the back of my head and pushing me closer. I sigh and kiss him back slowly, teasing him with the pace.

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