Favorite Food

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We had made it to the kitchen and I sat down at the table, Loki sitting next to me. Wanda hands me a place of food and rubs my head, walking out with Tony, Steve and Vision to leave us alone. Wanda bumps into Bucky and hugs him.

"She's with Loki, you can talk to her later, I promise" she smiles

"Thanks" he smiles back

I was eating when Loki teleported to the counter, grabbing a plate for himself and teleporting back next to me. I chuckle and watch him take a fork full of noodles and shove it in his mouth, making me snort and cough.

"Ew" Loki teases me

"Wha- shut up!" I push him away

He laughs and continues eating. I had finished and put my plate in the sink, leaving Loki at the table to finish his.

"Weirdo" I mumble

"Hey!" He says through a mouth full of food

I stiffle a laugh and walk out of the kitchen. I turn the corner and bump into Bucky.

"Hey!" I smile

He hugs me tightly, resting his head on mine. I sigh and nuzzle my head into his chest.

"I want you to know that I'm glad you're ok , Izzy" Bucky says, his voice rumbling in my ear

"Why are you saying this?" I ask, confused

"Wanda told me what happened to you" he whispers

I sigh again and hug him tighter.

"And I want you to know that I'm glad I'm ok too, Mr. Barnes" I giggle softly

Bucky chuckles and rubs my back, closing his eyes and sighing. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I pulled away.

"I better find Peter and let him know I'm not mad at him" I laugh

"Yeah you might wanna do that" Bucky chuckles

"I'll see you later" I say, kissing his cheek and walking to Peter's room

Bucky smiles and watches me walk off. Tony steps beside Bucky and smiles.

"I heard that her eyes glowed white, do you know why?" Bucky asks

"I did some reading and found that when the Avatar's eyes glow white, that they go into what's called the Avatar State, supposedly having the power and wisdom of all the passed Avatars" Tony explains

"Damn. All that power in the body of that little girl" Bucky says

"Yeah. I'm worried about her" Tony sighs

"She'll be fine" Loki assures them, leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen

"And how do you know" Tony asks, annoyed, turning around to look at him

"You think she was mad a little bit ago? You should've seen her when I took her blanket off of her to wake her up one time" Loki scoffs and walks off

"I don't wanna find out" Tony and Bucky say together

~~Peter's room~~

I walk in to Peter's room and flop on his bed, making him flinch.

"I'm not mad at you Peter" I assure him, turning over and looking at the ceiling

"I n- never said y- you were" he says quietly

I sigh and look at him.

"Look at me" I say

He slowly turns his head, his eyes filled with fear.

"I would never hurt you, I need you to understand that"

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