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I woke up and saw that my suit was removed and I was in the tank top and shorts that I wore under it. I heard shifting next to me and looked, seeing Loki trying to get comfortable in his chair.

"Did you strip me?" I ask

"Well when you put it like that" he says

I chuckle and roll over, landing on the dino stuffy.

"You better give this back to that poor kid, Asgard" I say sternly, holding it up

"Fine" he groans, taking it from me and teleporting

He comes back in a second, crossing his arms and pouts, leaning back in his chair again.

"What?" I sigh

"Do you have any idea what I went through to get that" he whines

"A toddler. You stole it from a toddler" I roll me eyes and walk to my bathroom


"No buts"

I shut the door and change my clothes, doing my hair and make up. I open the door and see Loki sprawled out laying on his back on my bed.

"What the hell are you doing." I laugh

"You smell nice you know" he says, looking at me

"Wha- what?" I ask, feelings mixed between shocked and confused

"You smell nice" he repeats

"Are you trying to get Tony to kill you?" I ask

"I'm immortal sweetheart"

"Oh he'll find a way" I assure him, walking out of my room

Loki teleports infront of me, blocking my path. I gently push him aside with the air around me and continue walking. He watches me walk off before following me into the kitchen.

"Can I eat without you breathing down my neck?" I say, looking through the fridge for something to eat

Loki stands behind me as I grabbed a thing of yogurt. I step back, bumping into his chest.

"Jesus Christ Loki. Personal space" I push him back

He raises an eyebrow at me as I grab a spoon and open the yogurt and start eating it when Peter walks in with a short man.

"Izzy, this is Bruce" Peter smiles

I wave at him and smile.

"So you're the Hulk I've been hearing about?" I ask

"Yep. Thats me"


I felt Loki staring at my back, eyes like daggers.

"Loki, do you want something or are you just jealous" I say, looking at my yogurt

His eyes go wide but he quickly composed himself and cleared his throat.

"I dont know what you're talking about" he says

"You heart beat says otherwise" I say in a singsongy voice, throwing away my cup and putting my spoon in the sink, smirking to myself

Both Peter and Bruce look at Loki as he stutters, trying to form a sentence. I giggle and walk out of the kitchen, bumping into Thor.

"Why are you so giddy?" He asks

"I flustered your brother" I wink at him

He laughs as Loki walks out, a slight blush on his face and practically runs to his room. I fist bump Thor before he walks out and turn seeing Tony with an eyebrow raised at me.

"What?" I ask, a smile on my face

"I love you" he laughs

"I know"

I was suddenly picked up and held in strong arms. I squeal and laugh, seeing that it was Steve. I giggle when he turns me so he was holding me bridal-style.

"You are very light" Steve observes

"Liar" I say

"Dont say that" he gasps dramatically

I giggle again and drop my head back against his arm, looking back. Peter saw me and tilts his head. I giggle even more before Steve pretends to drop me, making my squeak and grab onto his neck in surprise.

Steve laughs and looks at Tony, who was smiling at me. He lets me down gently and rests his head on the top of mine. I play with his hands when Bucky walked in and saw me.

He chuckles and throws an apple at me. I catch it and look at him confused. He points to Clint, who was just walking in.

I smirk deviously and let go of Steve arms. I chuck the apple as hard as I can at Clints head, making it smash into pieces when it hits him. He looks at me who was in hysterical laughter with Steve, Tony, Peter and Bucky.

He growls storms out of the room, mumbling something about kids.

After the laughter had died down I saw Loki standing in the doorway.

"Hey Loki" I pant from laughing

"What happened?" He chuckles

"She threw an apple at Birdbrain" Tony says

Loki stiffles a laugh and walks over to me. He pick me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Ah! Loki!" I laugh again

He swings me around, not letting go.

"You are very light" he says, referring to what Steve said

"No, I'm not" I argue

"Yes, you are"

"And what makes you say that?" I ask, looking at the back of his head


He starts tickling me, causing me to squirm, trying to get out of his grip. I scream and laugh harder then before, making Loki and everyone else laugh with me.

Loki finally stops and holds me bridal-style, letting me pant and cough from lack of air.

"You're an asshole" I say

He moves his hand to tickle me again but I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself out of his arms and onto his shoulder. He laughs and moves me so I was on his back, his hands holding me up by my thighs.

I sigh in relief and rest my head on his shoulder, playing with his raven, black hair.

"Your hair's soft" I comment

"Why thank you" Loki says smiling

Thor walked back in from hearing all the comotion and saw me on Loki's back.

"I knew you loved her" he smirks at his brother

"W- no I do not, asshole!" Loki says back at him

I giggle at the sibling rivalry and continue playing with Loki's hair, watching the brothers fight.

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