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"Can we please go somewhere?" I whine at Tony, hanging upside down by my knees on a railing

"I already said no, Izzy. Why do you wanna go anyway?" He asks

"Because I'm bored!" I exclaim

"Go hang out with Peter"

"He's at school"






"I don't fucking know!" I yell

"Hey" Tony looks at me with a stern face

I pout and cross my arms, still upside down.

"What about Natasha or Wanda?" He asks

"I dont know where they are either"

Tony sighs and puts down whatever he was working on, looking at me.

"You can't hang out with me. I'm working"

"You're always working!"

Tony narrows his eyes at me for yelling again.

"I going back to my room" I mumble, flipping over and landing on my feet

I walk back to my room with a scowl on my face and jump on my bed face first. I heard a distorted noise next to me.

"Go away Loki" I mutter through the pillow

"Why are you mad" he ignores me

"I'm not mad" I say looking at him with mad eyes

"Your face gives you away, dear" he smiles

"I'm bored" I groan and letting head fall back onto the pillow

"Come on" Loki grunts and picks me up, holding me bridal-style

"Noooo" I whine

"Stop your whining. We're going somewhere"

I snap my head up.


I sit up fully in his arms.

"Do you wanna hit something?"

"Most of the time" I admit

"I found a little group of trespassers a little ways up town. Wanna go?" Loki smirks

"Really?!" I say excited

He nods and I wiggle out of his arms, grabbing my mask and running out of my room. Loki smiles at my eagerness and follows me. I had ran to one of the windows and opened it.

"Come on!" I whine again and drag Loki by his hand to the window

I jump out of the window and use fire to help me stay in place, waiting for Loki to follow. He called his flying bike thing and sat on it.

"You are so slow" I laugh

"Lets see how slow I am now" he winks at me

Out of nowhere, he was 30 feet infront of me within a second.

"That's not fair!" I call at him, putting my mask on

He just laughs and flies off again. I blast after him and follow him to a part of town I've never been to.

"Where are we?" I ask, landing next to Loki "Do you have any idea what Tony would do if he found out I'd been here?" I look up at him with worried eyes

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