Answer Me, Gorgeous

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It had been a few days since Natasha had given me that shoe box and I knew I needed to hide it again or Peter would find it.

Not a good thing.

I looked around the hallway before shutting and locking my door. I dug through my closet and grabbed the box, quickly walking into the bathroom. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door, making me gasp in surprise.

"Izzy, baby?" Peter's voice rang through the door

"Shit. Just a minute!" I call back

I frantically look around for a place to hide the box and my eyes land on the sink. Quickly, I pushed the box to the back of the cupboard before running to the door.

"Hey" I sigh

"Hey?" Peter laughs "You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, why?"


I step aside as he walks in and lays on my bed, I stay standing, shutting the door slowly.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks, looking at me

"Mhm" I nod quickly

"What are you hiding" he asks, sitting up

"I'm not hiding anything!" My voice getting higher

"You're lying" Peter stalks over to me

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are because whenever you lie, your voice gets higher" he smirks again, backing me into a wall

"It does not!" My voice goes even higher, making me slap my hand over my mouth

My back hits the wall behind me and Peter puts his hands by my head, caging me in. I keep my hand over my mouth as Peter tilts his head at me.

"Are you gonna tell me or do I have to kiss it out of you?"

I whine and look at him with begging eyes.

"Answer me, gorgeous" Peter raises his eyebrows

I whine again as Peter takes my hands and pins them to the wall with his own.

"Peter please" I beg

"Then tell me"

"I- I can't" I sigh

"Darling" he warns

"Nat gave me" I say slowly

"...a box"

"A box"

Peter tilts his head again.

"Can you tell me what was in the box?"

I open my mouth but close it quickly.

"You hid it didn't you? I will find it"

"No, Peter please"

He ignores me and walks to my bed, looking under it. He stands up again and walks to my closet, opening the doors and digging around on the shelves and floor.

"Peter please" I beg again as he walks into the bathroom

He heads straight for the sink and sees the box. He takes it out and opens it, stopping his movement at what he sees.

"Is this what you were trying to hide?" He asks with a smirk

I stutter before turning away from him out of embarrassment. I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer.

"It is isn't it?" He asks smugly in my ear

My breath hitches and I shift my weight uncomfortably, looking away from him.

"Oh baby, no need to be embarrassed. I thought I heard you moaning last night"

My eyes widen as I snap around.

"You heard that?" I breathe

"Is was so hot"

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him, moving my hair out of my face.

"I- it was?" I ask quietly

"Absolutely" he whispers against my lips

He captures my lips with his, starting off slow and getting heated by the minute. I hadn't noticed that he had grabbed one of the vibrators from the box as he slipped his hand down my pants and put the vibrator on my clit through my underwear. He turned it on the lowest setting, making me hum.

"That's right baby, moan for me" he smiles as he turns up the vibrations, making me gasp against his lips

"Fuck Peter" I whine

He moves my underwear aside and slips the toy inside my dripping hole. I moan as the vibrations get more frequent but realize that Peters hand wasn't in my pants anymore. Looking up, I saw him smirking with a remote control in his hand as the vibrations turned up even more before stopping completely. I whine and look at him with begging eyes but he just chuckles, grabbing my chin to look at him.

"Aww does my baby wanna cum? Well then you have to earn it" he says smugly before walking out of my room, shutting the door behind him

Suddenly, vibrations erupt inside of me, causing my body to jump before they stop a few seconds later.

"Oh no" I groan, realizing he's edging me

I do my best to walk out of the bathroom and into my room, seeing a note on my bed.

Take it out and you won't be able to walk for a month ;)


I groan again as the vibrations start again.

"This is going to be a long day"

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