date me

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chapter 7: date me

"U-uhh...Yeah?" I mumbled quietly, feeling incredibly anxious to talk to him.

"I'll have what she's having." Levi said bluntly towards the worker, as he pulled out a chair and sat next to me.

I continued to look forward, focusing my attention on the worker in front of me making Levi's drink, whilst still drinking my milkshake.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a hand slowly sliding the familiar letter towards my direction. I looked at him for the first time since the kiss happened. Levi's scrutinising gaze met mine, I shivered knowing I haven't made eye contact with him like this since forever.

"You asked for the letter back, but you never took it. Probably too distracted by my lips, huh?" He winked flirtatiously.

I was probably as red as a tomato right now.

"W-well uh thankyou for giving it back."

As I was about to pick up the letter, his hands teasingly snatched the letter, right back into his grasp.

"What are you doing?" My tone of voice changing angrily almost instantly as Levi wasn't giving the letter back.

"Why did you kiss me earlier?" Levi said calmly. His hands still gripped onto the letter, which was now protected for dear life.

I scoffed in disbelief. Really?

"None of your business!" I said as I tried reaching to grab the letter.

"Oh really? Then why was I involved?"

I huffed as I sat back down in my chair, knowing I wasn't able to get back my letter anytime soon.

"I needed to avoid Eren..." You responded, quietly but loud enough for him to hear.


"Well I can't exactly confront him about the letter filled with my dying love for him, especially since he turned out to be such a jerk. It's embarrassing to even say I had a crush on him."

"So you kissed me to avoid Jaeger?" He asked, eyebrow arched.

"I'm sorry Levi. I had no other choice, I had to avoid him."

You both sat there in silence as Levi mulled over his thoughts.

"So... Let me get this straight, your secret love letters were sent out to me and Jaeger, and you have no idea how they got sent out?" Levi said, confidently.

"Yep, that's pretty much what happened. Although, I didn't just write letters to you and Eren-"

"Ooh Y/n, I didn't know you were so fickle" Levi said wiggling his eyebrows.

Ahhh. I missed joking around with him. It was weird seeing him act like his old self again, it felt nice.

"Oh shut up Levi." I chuckled, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Who else did you write letters to?" Levi asked, quickly changing back into his cold and serious demeanor.

"Errr... Armin and Jean."

"Jean? Isn't he dating Mikasa?" He asked confused, now drinking his milkshake.

"Yeah, but I sorted everything out with him, we're cool now. I just told him my feelings for him disappeared, because it's true. But I definitely need to tell Mikasa at some point, just not now. I need to focus on my situation for the time being."

"Armin moved schools this year, so he wouldn't be able to talk to you about the letter, right?"

"Right. One less boy to worry about now." I laughed, trying to lighten the situation.

"Well I'm gonna get going." I said as I tucked my chair back under the table and left my finished drink on the table so it can be put away.

Levi stood up immediately, finishing the last few slurps of his milkshake.

"Is that your bike outside?"

"Yeah." I nodded, gathering my belongings.


Levi ended up driving me home.

Once we arrived, I quickly opened up the door heading towards the rear of his vehicle. Levi opened up the trunk to get my bike out and placed it on the ground carefully.

"W-well, I'll see you at school tomorrow." You awkwardly waved at him as you took your bike and walked to your house.

Levi, on the other hand, mulled over his thoughts with his back resting against his car as he watched me walk to my front door.

"Fuck it." he whispered as he jogged up to me.

Levi placed a firm grip on my bike to stop it from moving as I looked up at him, confused by his sudden actions.

He looked in to my eyes. It wasn't an uncomfortable stare, it was rather relaxing and it somewhat made me feel safe.

The once comforting atmosphere quickly changed as his next words sent me into a state of shock, my jaw dropping to the ground.

"Date me." Levi said casually.

I gave him a perplexed look.

"Why? I told you my feelings for you faded away."

"No stupid, be in a fake relationship with me. Think about it, dating me can help you avoid Eren. It can also keep Mikasa in the dark for the time being so she won't suspect you still like Jean." He babbled on.

"How does this benefit you?" I asked, slightly considering his offer.

"Good question, it helps me avoid Petra."

"Your girlfriend?"

"She wasn't my girlfriend to begin with. But after she heard that you kissed me, she was beyond angry. She was so angry, that she ignored me for the rest of the day today. It felt so peaceful without her." He said, reminiscing the peaceful moments he had during the afternoon at school.

Levi looked at the girl now looking at the ground, avoiding his gaze, still thinking of her answer.

Levi closed his eyes, quietly regretting even asking the question in the first place. Truth is, he just wanted an excuse to talk to you again. It felt nice talking to you after so long. He missed it, though he would never admit it. Yet again, he was just using you as way to avoid Petra, right?

"Look, you don't need to answer me now. I literally live across the road, you can tell me your answer sooner or later. I don't want to pressure you. But yet again, this does not just benefit you, but the both of us." He said simply.


1030 words
date posted: 27th january 2021

a/n: hey guys!! i really like this chapter, i hope you guys do too!! things are finally starting to progress between y/n and levi!! do you think we're gonna accept levi's offer??

till the next chapter!!

- ki xx

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