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chapter 9: car ride

It's been 1 week since I've agreed to fake dating with Levi. 1 week since me and Levi signed our contract with each other.

I didn't really expect to feel so... Relaxed.

Over the week, Levi introduced me to his two best friends, Erwin and Furlan. I got along with them well, however, I did feel slightly awkward as they would always ask how me and Levi started dating. And boy, that was a very complicated subject.

I wasn't sure if they knew about me and Levi's shared childhood, but they never really mentioned it.

I also introduced Levi to Mikasa and Jean. At first they were both shocked. Like completely shocked, especially Mikasa. Luckily she never asked anything about how we actually got together. That would be awkward. Jean was mildly perplexed but probably just thought that Levi returned my feelings when he received his letter from me.

"I definitely did not date Levi just so you wouldn't think I still liked your boyfriend." I jokingly scoffed to myself.

But despite that, they were happy for the two of us as I was no longer the third wheel. Well more like Jean wouldn't be third wheeling.

Mikasa knew about my history with Levi, she was sceptical of our sudden relationship, but she eventually gave in, seeing how Levi truly made me 'happy'.

The only reason why Mikasa had her doubts was because she was the only person that comforted me when Levi started ignoring me. So I understood why she wasn't entirely convinced, she really is my best friend.


Today was friday, the last day of school! Until monday. It's almost the weekend!!!

I quickly locked the door to my house and waved at Levi who was standing by his car.

He did not wave back. Typical Levi.

What was I thinking? Just because he always did all those cute, lovey-dovey things with me during school hours, it didn't mean it was real. It was just for show, to make the whole school think we were actually dating.

This was how it went everyday for the past week.

He would always keep quiet during the car ride there and then act like a completely different person as we arrived to school. However, at times he would try to make light conversation, though, it was kind of awkward.

During school, Levi always put on this fake facade around himself, kind of like a mask if you will. He was cold. I couldn't really blame him, it's not like we're actually dating. And that's just part of his personality, he's changed a lot since the beginning of high school. I wouldn't blame him, no one should lose a parent that young.

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