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chapter 13: after math

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chapter 13: after math


꧁levi's pov꧂

Waking up as ribbons of sunlight pierced through the silk curtains of Petra's bedroom.

Placing a hand over his forehead from his throbbing headache, possibly because of how much he drank last night. Levi sighed as he slipped out of Petra's obsessive grasp, sitting on the side of her bed.

Thinking back to last night's activities, he must've knocked out straight after. Though, Levi was slightly annoyed with the fact he didn't fold his clothes neatly.

Levi began putting on his clothes that was scattered all over the room, not even stealing as much as glance toward Petra, ignoring her presence.

Levi never was one to stay the night after doing these... Late night activities. He would always be the one leaving first, leaving a poor heartbroken Petra behind. That was just how it is, he never was the type to be fully committed to someone. This was perhaps the reason why Petra was utterly shocked by the news of you and Levi dating. It was out of the ordinary.

He felt bad for always using her as a way to take out his frustrations. But what exactly was Levi frustrated about? Well he doesn't even know himself.

His emotions are all over the place at the moment, he doesn't know what to feel. He's confused.

Mulling over his thoughts as he began tying his shoe laces together, he exited the room.

As soon as he did, Levi was welcomed with drunk teenagers who were passed out all over the place.

He looked around the house in disgust as he tried stepping over the drunken teenagers and looking at the mess.

"What a dump!" He scowled as he pinched his nose so he couldn't inhale the dirty air.


He sighed, closing his eyes, as he entered his car, still tired and miserable.

He turned to look at the passenger seat.

Immediately, his eyes widened.

He had forgotten about you. He left you all on your own. He abandoned you.

Regret and guilt was written all over his face as he had realised what had been bugging him that morning, and possibly last night.


He felt like such an idiot for leaving you stranded at that party, he didn't even have the decency to give you a quick text.

What would this mean for your supposed relationship? He thought to himself. Will you end this arrangement with him? The only reason why he agreed to fake dating in the first place was to avoid Petra, but now if you had seen him with her, it would mess everything up.

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