Chapter 1

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'Italics' are thoughts

Y/n POV:

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep! Be- I lean over and turn off my alarm, then continue to lay on my back, staring at the ceiling. I study every crevice I can see, hoping in doing so, time will stop and I will not have to get out of bed. 

'Was that crack always there or am I just going crazy?'

I think for a moment, looking back at all my life choices.

'Definitely crazy'

I look back at my clock. 6:51. I quickly do the math and figure out that if it takes me about 30 minutes to get ready, then I will still have 40 minutes to get to class. If I choose to walk, it will take 50 minutes and the train takes about 20.

'Ughh... I should not be doing math this early in the morning"

With much effort, I get out of bed and get changed, ready to start a new day at school. I had decided to put on a black hoodie and dark grey pants, matching my school's colours, so I wouldn't get in trouble for not wearing the uniform. After that, I quickly make a small breakfast consisting of last night's dinner. 

'I've stooped to a new level of laziness. Next thing you know I will still be living here at age 30'

"Y/n!!! You better get a move on and go to school. I'm not paying for your ass to live here when your 30!" my mother yelled from her room.

I paused for a minute, shocked. 'Can she read my mind? This isn't the first time she has known what I have been thinking. Too bad she'll never know that right now I'm thinking about anime. Hehe!'

"Stop thinking about anime so smugly dear! Get going to school! And no, I can't read minds" I heard my mother screech.

My jaw quickly dropped, but I picked it up quickly realizing my train would arrive soon.

"Bye mom, enjoy your day while I rot in the prison you call school!"

"Y/N!!! GO NOW!"

I quickly ran out and locked the door to our apartment, not wanting to be the victim of my mom's wrath, even if I provoked her. 

The train was going to arrive at the station soon and if I booked it fast enough, I would be able to make it. Without a moment to spare, I ran as fast as I could, knowing I would regret it later.

Just as I was arriving at the station, I saw my train pull up.  

'Yay, I made it!" I cheered in my head, still out of breath. 

Quickly regaining it, I stepped on the train and found an empty spot. I looked around, making sure there were no elderly or pregnant women who would need the spot. Letting out a sigh of relief, I sat down, bag in my lap, trying to get comfortable. It was a bit hard considering this train was like 20 years old and at least 50 people sit in this spot in a day, but I found a way to make it work

I look around the cart trying to entertain myself. I could have pulled out my phone and played a game, but I didn't want to waste my battery life. 

'I should have brought some manga.' 

My eyes quickly catch a glimpse of a salmon haired boy, across the cart from me, leaning up against the side of the cart, right by the doors. I notice he is wearing a beige sweater over a white dress shirt, no tie. I look down and see he is wearing some dark green-looking pants and a pair of black boots that reach to about the middle of his shins. In his hands, I can see he is holding a black guitar case, probably containing a guitar.

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