Chapter 26

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Ok, so this is gonna be a few flashbacks to Y/n's past that I thought I should elaborate on before I get to the next episode. I think this will help to explain things both now and in the future. Most of this won't affect the future so if you want to skip it, you can do so, however, I would suggest you read it. I didn't know if I would count this as a chapter or not, but I will anyway, lol. Thanks for dealing with me, enjoy!

Long Chapter (Like it's my longest)

Age 5 (3rd POV):

"Kiss, kiss, fall in love!" is heard from the TV as Y/n sits on the floor right in front of it, their eyes wide open as a large smile is painted across their face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Y/n shouts along with the lyrics before cutely giggling at their own actions. Their mother, Himiari, sits behind them on the couch as she chuckles at her youngest child's actions, watching the TV show along with them. Hiroshi lays his head on Himiari's lap, lazily watching the show as well before loudly groaning.

"Why are we still watching this? We've already watched it like twice as a family, not to mention how Y/n loves to rewatch the episodes out of order. Can't we just wait for a second season to come out?" Hiroshi complains as Y/n continues to stare at the TV, fascinated by every little detail.

"If you don't want to watch it, find something else to do," Himiari tells her son, making him groan even louder. "Why don't you hang out with your friends?" she suggests as Hiroshi stands up and starts to head towards his room to play games on his phone.

"Why don't you go to your girlfriend?" Y/n 'innocently' asks while watching Tamaki make another idiotic mistake on the screen, evilly smirking as both their mother's and brother's head snap towards them.

"You bratty snitch!! I gave you a lollypop to not say anything!" Hiroshi shouts as he quickly moves towards his younger sibling before Himiari begins to glare at him, immediately making him stop and Y/n giggle quietly.

"What's this about a girlfriend?" Himiari growls as both her children freeze, not wanting to be the victim of some kind of motherly attack.

"S-she's j-just a f-friend, I s-swear, M-mom," Hiroshi stutters. As Y/n remembers what happened when they first found about Hiroshi and his 'girlfriend', an evil idea comes to their mind, making them mischievously grin like the Hitachiin twins on the screen in front of them.

"Mom, he kissed her... on the lips," Y/n says, making Hiroshi shake in anger as he lunges towards them before wrestling with the smaller child on the floor. Himiari just shakes her head in disappointment as she watches both her children roll on the floor, the oldest clearly winning as he pins Y/n's arms to the floor.

"What about you, huh? I saw you kiss some strange kids in the park," Hiroshi snitches as he puts his body weight onto the small child, making them wince as tears come to their eyes.

"They hurt themselves so I gave them a kiss on the cheek to make them feel better, like how Mom and Dad do when I scrap my knee," Y/n sweetly tells him as the front door to the apartment opens, revealing a man carrying a bag of groceries. "Y-you're starting to hurt me, Hiro-chan," Y/n quietly says as the tears become visible to Hiroshi, making him quickly get off them, not wanting to get in even more trouble.

"It seems I walked in at the wrong time, should I go back?" a deep voice questions, making both children turn their heads as the younger widens their eyes at the sight of their father, Touma Ito. He was a 5 ft 5 in, 165 cm, man who was fairly built and would match the societal expectation of a working husband. Even if he was getting older, he still had his good looks, allowing him to pick up, date, and marry the beautiful woman, now known as Himiari Ito.

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