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It's the next morning and by next morning, its 4 am. Both Cheryl and Toni's up because they couldnt sleep. They were in bed just staring at the walls, trying to think about anything to go to sleep. Nothing worked. They decided to just scroll in Instagram. They would like pictures, laugh at photos and videos. The basic things. They looked through their DM's, responding to fans as they always did. They saw that each other had the green dot next to their name, indicating that they were online.

They hesitated to do anything and went back to what they were doing. Before they knew it, it was 6 am and they were now sleepy. Toni went to sleep at 6:35, whereas, Cheryl went to sleep at about 6:56. The only reason it was so late, was because she now lives in the house with a morning person. That's the one thing she hates about living with Veronica Lodge. You cant get any sleep. Not even if you plug your ears, Veronica Lodge always finds a way to wake you up.

She went to sleep agitated and annoyed from her friends. Let's just say, her dreams made up for it. In her sleep, she was breaking into sweats, heavy panting, throbbing, just feelings she hasn't felt before. Everything so clear, but foggy as well.

"Cheryl!" Veronica said as Cheryl still stirred in her sleep

"Cheryl!" Veronica said raising her voice as Cheryl started to come from her dream

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom!" Veronica said loudly causing Cheryl to wake up out of breathe

"What the hell were you dreaming about?" Veronica asked as she had a hand on Cheryl's back

"H-huh? Why did you wake me up?" Cheryl asked as she was catching her breathe

"I came in here to see if you wanted breakfast, but then I saw you moving all around your bed, so I came to wake you up." the raven haired girl told her friend

"They say to never wake up a sleepwalker and a deep sleeper. Now if I wouldve slapped you, you couldnt have gotten mad." Cheryl said laughing at the end

"Whatever. What do you want to eat?" Veronica asked as she rolled her eyes

"I'm going to eat while I'm out. I'm going to lunch with Toni." Cheryl said groggily while rubbing her eyes

"You're going to lunch with Toni? I see you." Veronica said smirking

"Ugh. Whatever." Cheryl said rolling her eyes then laying back down

"What time is it?" Cheryl said laying down with her eyes closed

"10:30." Veronica responded looking at her watch

"Fuck. I didnt even ask Toni when she wanted to meet up. Fuck." Cheryl said grabbing her phone to see a notification from Toni

Toni.Topaz inboxed you

Cheryl opened the message and started to text her.

hey you up?

sorry for the late response, I was sleep until my psycho of a friend woke me up

Toni was still sleep, in a light sleep because her brother interrupted her sleep and she had to kick him out. She heard the ding and groaned as she picked up her phone. She was blinded by the phone light and saw the notification. She smiled and texted her "redhead goddess" back.

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