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The girls were sleep, one of them dreaming about happy places, whereas, the other is dreaming about dark things.

In the dream...

"Toni!" Everyone is calling out going through the dark forests with flashlights.

Toni's been gone for a month and she just disappeared. The thing is, Toni went through very bad depression throughout her childhood and it followed her to her adult years. There would be times where she would be unexplainably happy, then there would be times where it would be the complete opposite. She left on February, 17th. At 3:16 in the afternoon.

She was supposed to be getting food for her and her wife Cheryl. She was out and she suddenly got sad. Given the fact that she would get sad out of the blue, she didnt see this as a surprise. She was on her way to the cafe to pick up the food and she found herself going a completely different route. She found herself going to the small town of Riverdale. Down to the Sweetwater River.

When she got there she sat at the edge of the river just thinking about life. Thinking about how things would be if she just left. How happy everyone would be because she was no longer a burden to everyone. She started crying. And hard. She couldnt stop the tears. They just flowed like and endless waterfall. She got up and walked back to her car. Before starting it, she thought about all the people she had in life and the people she lost.

She had Cher, Veronica, Reggie, Archie, Jug, Pea, Fangs, and all these other people that loved her for her. Nothing more, nothing less. Then she thought about the people she lost. She lost her mom, her dad, her grandfather, her uncle, and her aunt. Basically everyone she was either close with, or became close with over the years. She thought that maybe it was her time to go, her time to be with the people she miss dearly.

She drove to the trailer park, tears leaving her eyes making the road blurry. She almost swerved off the road, but she got the car back in gear before it was too late. When she arrived she parked where her car wasnt seen and went to the forest that was behind the trailer park. She walked to her spot, just to where there was a good view of everything. Water, trees, people, cars, everything. Also, a place she would go to take her mind off of things and go stargazing.

She sat by the edge of the cliff and looked one more time as she looked at the scenery in front and around her. She looked down at her ring and a sad smile appeared on her face, that's when all her memories with Cheryl flipped through her mind like a 7 minute trailer. She smiled at the happy times they've had. The couple-y moments they've shared. The times where they've had a splat and they've made up and the times where things were serious. She thought about the pain she caused Cher in the past.

She thought about all the good moments, but the bad moments started to cloud her mind. About how she cheated on Cher with Veronica because she was deadly drunk. The time where she had a suicidal scare and made Cheryl fear for her life. The time she left Cher, leaving her devastated when she had to go live with her family. Then, the most heartbreaking time. When she left her at high school. No matter how old Toni got, the one thing Toni kept close was that very moment.

Broken-Hearted GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant