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Toni woke up the next morning to a few missed calls and text messages from her mom and Cheryl. She changed out of her clothes into her workout clothes and then left out of the penthouse to go to the gym.

On the way, she called Cheryl back, letting the woman know that she was on her way to the gym

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On the way, she called Cheryl back, letting the woman know that she was on her way to the gym. They talked the whole way and when Toni got to the gym, the put her air pods in and went to the spacious part of the gym to stretch.


About 2 hours had passed and Toni decided she was going to call her mom back. She called her and the older woman answered, seeming to be out of breath.

"Mom, you okay?" Toni asked as she drank from her water bottle.

"Yeah, I just ran to the phone. I'm okay," Her mom responded.

"So, how've you been?" Toni asked, looking down at her feet.

She heard her mom chuckle before answering. "No, real question, why'd you call me at 11 o'clock at night?"

Toni groaned and huffed, knowing her mom knew her a bit too well. "Okay, so, as you should know, I'm dating Cheryl," Toni said.

"Oh, the one that just about fits the description of almost a lot of serial killers?" Her mom asked.

Toni rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply. "Yes, mom. That's the one," Toni responded, already done with the conversation.

"Good, I actually like her. What's going on?"

"So, she's pregnant, and before you say anything, it was from her last relationship. I accepted her for it, and everything's okay. I found out the baby's gender, but I wanted to make this step since high school, but I'm not sure if she's going to be ready for it. . ." Toni rambled.

"Look, I'm pretty sure you gaybies have had this talk before. You'll know when she's ready. She'll either tell you bluntly, or she'll hint it off-- if she hasn't done it already." Her mom assured.

"But I don't want to stress her out, with this now, or later. She's gonna have a kid in about. . . 3-4 more months, and I know she's going to be stressed," Toni said, stressing herself out already.

"Like I said, you'll know when she's ready. And what are you even planning to do?"

"I got her a ring yesterday, but I don't know if it should be a promise ring, or a engagement ring."

"Ask her if she's ready. She'll tell you."

"Okay, I'm going to finish this workout and then I'll get back with you later."

"Okay. Oh, did you talk to Fangs?"

"Yeah, he's at his boyfriend's house. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was just I didn't know if he was okay or not. Tell him to call me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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