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"Baby, it says you're-"


"Wait, huh?" Toni questioned, as she looked at the tests. Cheryl looked up with a confused look. She didn't know what was going on, but it didn't fell good.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl asked as Toni finally looked at her.

"One of them say you're pregnant, the other one says you aren't." Toni announced as Cheryl sat up, trying to figure out what could possibly be going on.

"Do you want to go to the doctors?" Toni asked, as Cheryl was in a gaze. She didn't know what to think. She didn't want to be pregnant, not because she didn't want kids, but because she wasn't fit to have them anytime soon. She didn't know if what's happening could effect the possibilities of her being pregnant, but whatever was going on, she was scared.

"What if I'm pregnant?" Cheryl asked as her eyes started to water. Toni put the tests down and pulled her in for a hug.

"It's going to be okay. I'll be here every step of the way. You won't be alone. Not ever again." Toni said, Cheryl's eyes burning from trying to hold in her tears. Her last words hit her heart because that's what Toni said as kids and she made sure she was there. Made sure she was there whenever she was in danger, needed comforting, everything that she could possibly ask for, Toni provided.

"I love you." Cheryl said, before crying on her shoulder. Toni held her close, wanting her to feel comforted.

"I love you too, babe." Toni said as Cheryl wiped her face. They stayed in their position until Cheryl got off the bed.

"I don't want to be pregnant." Cheryl said, sitting on the floor of the bathroom. Toni walked over to her, sitting with her on the floor as well.

"I understand how you feel. This is your choice, Cheryl." Toni said, in an assuring tone.

"I'm not having an abortion, either. I wouldn't feel right sleeping, knowing that I took a life. If I am pregnant, then I'll have to deal and make sure my child has a good home. Oh, my gosh. I'm stressed." Cheryl said, before Toni put a hand on her leg.

"Cheryl, just calm down. It's okay. I'll help you with whatever you please, okay?" Toni said as Cheryl nodded.

"You ready?" Toni asked as Cheryl nodded in response. They gathered their belongings and started their way to the hospital. When they arrived, they checked in and was soon called by a nurse.

The room was filled with a nervous couple, wondering how life would go if it cam back with Cheryl being pregnant. The doctor came in and started to assist Cheryl. She checked her vitals and sat down in the swivel chair, starting to ask questions.

"Ms. Blossom, why are you here today?" The doctor asked as Cheryl looked at Toni.

"Um, I was experiencing pregnancy symptoms, but when I took the test, one of them were positive and the other was negative. I was just trying to figure out if I'm pregnant or not." Cheryl said as the doctor filled some lines out.

"How long has this been going on?" the doctor asked as Cheryl sighed.

"It's been on and off for about 3 months." Cheryl confessed as the doctor nodded, writing on the piece of paper.

"What symptoms have you been coming across?" she asked as Cheryl nervously played in her fingers.

"I've been vomiting a lot, I don't know if it's a sign or not. Also, I've been having a lot of vaginal bleeding." Cheryl explained as she doctor tried not to show a worrying expression.

"Okay. I'll get the ultrasound machine and I'll be right back." the doctor said, before she walked out the room. Toni was able to read the doctors body language, she knew something wasn't right, but she wasn't going to say anything, just in case something positive came about.

After a few minutes, the doctor came in with the machine. Cheryl wasn't too scared of the machine, more of the results she could get from it. She laid down on the bed, lifting her shirt up slightly.

"It may be a little cold." The doctor said before applying the gel. She used the wand and went over the gel, looking for a baby or maybe something more. She kept looking until, believe it or not, there was a child. Cheryl started to become overwhelmed with tears of joy.

Toni was just happy to see Cheryl smile. That's the only thing she could care for. Cheryl's happiness was the only thing that she cared about. Toni grabbed her hand, smiling at the redhead. Cheryl let a few tears fall before Toni wiped them away.

"Looks like you have a bundle of joy on the way." The doctor said before she wiped the gel off of Cheryl's stomach. Everything was happening so fast, Cheryl was still in the mindset of when she first arrived.

"Wait, but what about the weight gain? I don't have a bump." Cheryl said as she doctor looked at the chart.

"It should be coming soon." the doctor said as she turned the monitor off. The doctor explained a few more things to Cheryl and told her to schedule an appointment for two weeks from then.

The couple did so and started on their journey home. Cheryl was quiet the whole ride. She didn't know what to think, what to say, what to do. She was still trying to process everything herself, so she didn't really have anything to say. She was happy. Even though the baby came from the person she absolutely hated, she was having a kid.

They arrived at Toni's place and Cheryl went straight into the bathroom. Vomiting. Just like the day before. Toni helped her and they went back to the room. Toni changed Cheryl out of her clothes and they laid in bed, watching TV.

"When are you going to tell everyone?" Toni asked as Cheryl shrugged.

"I don't even know. I don't know what to tell my parents, Reggie, Archie, oh my gosh, Jughead. This is going to be tough, but when we find out the gender, then that's when we can tell everyone." Cheryl said as Toni nodded in understanding. Cheryl was thinking about this thought all day, but she was absolutely scared to ask Toni. In fear that Toni would leave, or not give her the answer she desired.

"Toni." Cheryl said, with a soft voice.

"Yes, babe?" Toni answered.

"Will you help me raise the kid? Be their second mom?" Cheryl asked, sitting up to look at Toni.

"Absolutely. I would love nothing more than that." Toni said as Cheryl smiled. Cheryl hugged her and gave her a kiss.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" Cheryl asked, Toni giggling in response.

"A countless amount of times, babe." Toni said as Cheryl laughed. They kissed once more and got back into the cuddling position.

The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, laughs, cries, eating, everything that a relationship could consist of.

If only Cheryl knew what could happen in two weeks.

Y'all not ready. That's all I'm gonna say.

Thanks for reading, byeeeeee


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