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1 Week Later...

Cheryl and Toni were on their way to the doctor's to get Cheryl's sonogram. Over the past week, Cheryl's been going to therapy, being careful with the things she's been doing and eating, and she's also been stressing out. Toni's tried her best to calm Cheryl down, but whenever she tries, it never works. 


Cheryl and Toni were laying in bed when Toni heard Cheryl sniffling. She looked at Cheryl and saw dried tears on her face. She paused the movie they were  watching and wiped the fresh tears that's fallen. Toni sat up, pulling Cheryl closer to her, holding her close. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Toni asked, running her fingers through Cheryl's hair. Cheryl started to cry harder, breaking Toni's heart. 

"Baby, can you talk to me so that I can help you?" Toni asked, wanting nothing but Cheryl to tell her what she was feeling and what was on her mind. Cheryl broke the hug and was now facing Toni. Toni placed a hand on her knee, trying to keep contact with Cheryl in any way. 

"I'm scared that I won't be a good parent," Cheryl said, her eyes filling up with tears. Toni sighed and placed a hand on Cheryl's cheek. 

"Baby, I promise you'll be an amazing mother. You don't have to worry," Toni reassured. Cheryl shook her head and moved Toni's hand off her knee. 

"What if you leave me-" Cheryl started to say before Toni cut her off mid-sentence. 

"Don't think that, please. I will never leave you. We go through this together, okay? You don't have to worry about me leaving ever." Toni said, making Cheryl cry harder. Toni pulled Cheryl in, resulting in her laying down with Cheryl on top of her. She realized the position she was in and sat up. She laid Cheryl down and spooned her, one hand on her stomach and the other one running her tan fingers through her hair. 

She was kissing behind Cheryl's ear, trying to comfort her in any way possible. Cheryl started to play with Toni's fingers, her way of calming herself down. 

"You know I'll never leave you again, right?" Toni asked, blowing on the back of Cheryl's neck. Cheryl giggled from the tickling feeling she was receiving. 

"Yeah. I'm just afraid that things won't work out if a baby gets involved," Cheryl confessed. Toni laid her chin on Cheryl's shoulder and kissed her temple. 

"Trust me, I'll make things work for us. I'm the child's other mother and your girlfriend. I'll make something work," Toni said to Cheryl. Cheryl nodded and Toni put her hand on Cheryl's stomach. 

"I love you. The both of you," Toni said, rubbing her thumb across Cheryl's stomach. 

end of flashback...

Toni's done everything in her power to keep Cheryl as happy as Cheryl allowed her. Cheryl's been doing pretty good. If you call being frustrated all the time good, then I guess she was doing just fine. 

The couple were now outside of the doctor's office and Cheryl wanted to stay in the car for a bit longer. When they went the last time, they didn't hear a heartbeat- that being because they were only looking for the fetus. She was extremely scared with this new edition she would have in her life. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she did know that she would make the child's life as great as it could possibly be. 

She was wrapped up in her thoughts when she felt warm hand on hers. She looked up to see Toni looking at her with a soft smile. She returned the smile and placed her other hand on top of Toni's. 

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