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It's the next morning and Cheryl woke up to cold air hitting her side. She looked around and didn't see Toni, but she smelt the aroma of bacon and pancakes in the kitchen. She smiled and got out of bed, making her way to where Toni was at. Toni was playing music, so she didn't hear Cheryl come out the room. Cheryl snaked her arms around Toni's waist causing her to jump.

"Oh, fuck. You scared me!" Toni said with the spatula in her hand that almost hit Cheryl.

"I can tell." Cheryl said sarcastically as Toni playfully rolled her eyes. Cheryl smiled and kissed behind her ear before removing her arms from Toni's waist. She moved from behind Toni and leaned against the counter.

"How'd you sleep?" Toni asked as she flipped a pancake.

"I slept good. How about you?" Cheryl responded as Toni smiled happily, making Cheryl blush.

"I slept good, as well." Toni said as she looked at Cheryl. Toni didn't want to bring what she had in mind, but she kind of needed to.

"Ummm, Cheryl, I wanna talk about us." Toni said nervously as she put the spatula down. Cheryl gave a concerned and confused look, but softened it and nodded.

"Okay, so you just got out of a toxic relationship and I don't think that it would be best to jump into a new one. Not yet, at least." Toni said cautiously not wanting to upset the redhead. Cheryl looked into Toni's eyes and saw pure generosity in them.

"Okay." Cheryl responded as Toni just looked at her.

"You're not mad?" Toni asked as Cheryl laughed.

"No I'm not mad. I was going to talk to you about it tomorrow, but you beat me to it." Cheryl said chuckling a bit, Toni joining in.

"Oh. Well, surprise I guess?" Toni said shrugging, causing Cheryl to laugh. Toni walked back over to the pan and took the pancake out. She made their plates and sat them down on the table as Cheryl and herself sat. They ate in comfortable silence until Toni broke it asking about what Cheryl was wearing.

"When did you change into that?" Toni asked with a raised brow as Cheryl looked at what she was wearing.

"Last night. Probably about 2 in the morning. I got hot, so I just took my shorts off." Cheryl said as Toni nodded smiling and continued to eat. They ate and talked a little. When they were finished, Cheryl went to get dressed for the day. Toni sat in the living room as Cheryl got dressed. Toni didn't hear anything from Cheryl in a while, so she went to check on her.

When she walked in, Cheryl had her bra and pants on. Toni instantly covered her eyes and walked back out the room.

"I'm so sorry. Fuck! I'm sorry." Toni said in a panicked voice as Cheryl chuckled from the other side.

"I'm dead, but you can come in, Toni." Cheryl said as Toni came in the room and looked at Cheryl who still had her shirt off. Toni covered her eyes and closed the door behind her.

"Cheryl, you don't have a shirt on." Toni said as Cheryl laughed, playfully rolling her eyes even though Toni couldn't see.

"It's fine. Nothing you haven't seen." Cheryl said as Toni uncovered her eyes, them still being closed.

"If I stare, I'm sorry." Toni said as before she opened her eyes. Cheryl giggled as Toni opened her eyes. As soon as Toni looked at Cheryl, her eyes went to her ribcage. She looked at Cheryl, then back at her ribcage. She not only had a tattoo, but a bruise. A very visible bruise.

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