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Toni woke up to Cheryl not being on her anymore. She sat up slowly, looking around, not being able to see anyone. When she looked at the time, it was about 5 o'clock in the morning.

Toni walked to the kitchen to see Cheryl leaning on the counter with a mug in front of her. Toni watched as the redhead looked out of the window that was above the sink, how she would occasionally take sips of her drink, and then exhale a slight sigh.

Toni walked behind her, not wanting to disturb her too much. The brunette wrapped a hand around Cheryl's waist, a sharp inhale coming from the redhead due to the sudden surprise.

"You scared me, babe." Cheryl said with a nervous chuckle. "What're a doing awake?" Cheryl asked, her head leaning on Toni's shoulder slightly.

Toni kissed the top of her head, rubbing her hand over the redhead's stomach. "I didn't feel you anymore," Toni responded. "Are you okay?" The brunette asked.

Cheryl nodded and turned to look at the brunette. "Yeah. It's just I have this tendency to wake up for a few, super early in the morning, and then go back to sleep," Cheryl said, a slight smile on her face.

Toni nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead, slightly taking her hands from the redhead's waist. "I'm going to go lay back down. Come back when you're ready," Toni announced to the redhead.

Cheryl nodded and kissed Toni, soon watching the brunette leave her spot and head back to the couch.

Cheryl finished her tea and went back into the living room to find Toni laying in a fetal position. She smiled at the sight and laid beside her. Toni instantly found a new comfort with the added body, holding the redhead close as she settled in the spot that held her and Cheryl contently.


About 8 hours passed and it's about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Cheryl woke up this time but without Toni under her. She sat up and smelled food cooking. She got up, but when she thought she was going to be able to see who was in the kitchen, she found herself running to the bathroom.

That was the downside of the whole pregnancy journey was the constant bathroom runs. When Cheryl was done, she walked out of the bathroom and into the dining room, seeing Toni setting the table with food, plates, and drinks.

Toni looked up, walking to the redhead, placing a kiss on her head as her hand slightly rubbed over her stomach. "You sleep good, baby?" Toni asked, going back into the kitchen to finish grabbing the food.

"Yeah, I did." Cheryl answered. "You made all this?" Cheryl asked, sitting at the table, stealing a piece of bacon out of the bowl.

As Toni was waking back, she saw what the redhead did and started to laugh, "Just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Toni asked.

"Babe, it's for the baby," Cheryl said with a smile, trying not to laugh. Toni and Cheryl knew that it was the partial truth, and that Cheryla also took a piece for herself as well.

Reggie, Johnathan and Elizabeth came down the stairs talking amongst theselves. They walked into the dining room to see the food on the table, and Cheryl and Toni talking between themselves.

Reggie ran behind Toni, putting her in a head lock, both him and Toni laughing at his antics. "Wassup, Topaz?" Reggie greeted, taking his arm from the brunette's neck and sitting beside her.

Elizabeth and Johnathan just looked at them and then at Cheryl who was just shaking her head. "Don't ask. Just... don't ask. They're weird, and we now have to deal with it," Cheryl said, taking a plate and putting food on it.

"I know it's breakfast, but you guys had a lot of breakfast food... also, I know Cheryl likes breakfast food a lot," Toni said, a slight blush coming on her face when she noticed Elizabeth and Cheryl looking at her with an adoring look.

Reggie smirked and Toni looked at him, seeing the smirk on his face and shook her head. "You're whipped," Reggie teased.

Toni rolled her eyes and looked at Cheryl who wasn't looking at her, but clearly heard  because she was smirking a bit as she continued putting food on her plate. Toni felt attacked, yes, but was she going to have to deal with it? Yes, yes she would.


It's about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and Toni was waiting for Cheryl to get finished out of the shower so they could leave. Cheryl came back in with a green and black sweater, black ripped jeans, and black ankle boots.

Toni was wearing a red hoodie, a flannel over top, black ripped jeans, and red and black Jordans.

Cheryl put her things in the suitcase Toni had brought for her and sat in the small stool in front of her vanity. She put her earrings in and nude lipstick before grabbing her jacket and telling Toni she was ready.

Cheryl came down the stairs and her and Toni left out, telling everyone they were going to be back in a bit.


The entire ride, Cheryl was asking Toni where they were going, but Toni would joke and say something like, 'The Calahari Desert' or 'Beijing'.

She knew she was upsetting Cheryl, so she just told Cheryl it wasn't any place crazy, just a small little place. Cheryl nodded and sat in the car, enjoying the background music and watching the sights before her.

When they arrived, they were at a tattoo shop. Cheryl looked at Toni and Toni nodded, a big smile on her face. Toni got out of the car, going around to open Cheryl's door and locking the car once they were out.

They walked into the shop and went to the artist that was supposed to do Toni's tattoo. Come to find out, Toni and her artist have known each other for the longest, and has been looking forward to this day since they were kids.

Cheryl sat in the chair beside the brunette and watched occasionally as the brunette got the ink on her arm. When it was done, Toni covered Cheryl's eyes and asked the artist to take a picture before Cheryl saw.

When Toni let Cheryl see, it was a red heart with a banner over it, that had 'CherBear' on it and their relationship date under it.

Cheryl smiled at the art and gave Toni a kiss, Toni's friend catching every second of it. Toni paid the guy and left out of the place.

They got food, and then went home, being under one another as they waited another day.

Thanks for reading, byeeeeee


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