Chapter Sixteen: Statue

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"Can we please do something fun tonight?" I asked Farah. "Most of the fairies and the specialists have already gone home for the summer holidays. We never get to see much of each other during term time."
"That's because you go to another school." The woman smiled. "It'll all change next year."
"So, is that a yes?" I asked, giving her a hopeful smile.
"I can't tonight. I have a meeting with Headmaster Silva." I groaned.
"Can't you put it off till tomorrow? I'm bored."
"Why don't you go and find Sky?"
"Stella just dumped him. I don't really fancy being him with when he's all heartbroken."
"Then go and find something else to do." Farah said. "We'll have breakfast tomorrow."

I left the woman's office and immediately began to call Riven. The phone rang but there was no answer so I slipped my phone back into my pocket. I started to walk down the hall and as I turned the corner I bumped into someone, knocking them to the ground. "I am so sorry." I said as I helped the girl to her feet.
"No, it's okay. My fault. I should've been looking at where I was going."
"Well, are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah." The girl told me as she pushed her blonde hair behind her shoulders.
"How come you're not home like the other fairies?"
"I'm going back tomorrow." She replied. "My dad wanted to pick me up himself. What about you?"
"Oh, the headmistress is my godmother." I explained. "Eira Dowling."
"I'm Gaia." The girl introduced as we began to walk together.

"So... are you a student here?" Gaia asked me.
"I'm starting next term actually."
"I wish I was coming back for another year. I love this place." The girl then grinned. "You'll like it."
"I hope so." I admitted. "So what's your element?"
"Earth. What about you?"
"Nice. I've never actually met an ice fairy before."
"Well, I'm happy to be your first." I laughed.

We continued to walk and talk until we reached the canteen where we sat down at one of the table. "Was your mum an ice fairy?" Gaia then asked me. I frowned.
"I don't know." I said before noticing nee confused look. "My parents died when I was a baby. It was a car accident. I was in the car but somehow I was the only survivor."
"I'm so sorry."
"It wasn't your fault." I told her. "Unless you were the one driving the car there hit them?"
"I was two and barely knew what was a car was." Gaia said, making me laugh. "Is that why you stay with your godmother? I've seen you around Alfea a lot." I nodded and we fell into silence for a few moments before Gaia spoke up again. "Would it be weird if I asked you to show me some magic?"
"I don't know if that's such a good idea." I admitted.
"You life with the headmistress. Surely you know the basics."

I then stood up and walked over to an almost empty space in the canteen and took a deep breath. I raised my hands up to my side and flashed my white eyes. "Wow." Gaia gasped as she stood up and looked around at the snow that was falling from the ceiling. "It's snowing indoors."
"If you think that's impressive, you should see when I turn the floor into an ice skating rink."
"You can do that?" I nodded my head before tapping my foot on the ground. The floor around us turned to ice and Gaia skated her way over to me before slipping over.
"Oh, my god! Are you okay?" I asked the girl. She just laughed before holding her hand out for me to help her up and I began to laugh too.

I reached for her hand but as I did a blast blew from my palm. There was nothing I could do to stop it. The blast hit Gaia but it didn't blow her anywhere. She stayed on the ground in the exact same position. The only thing was, she was frozen. She was frozen in a block of ice. Or she was a block of ice, I'm not too sure. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I panicked. "Okay, okay, calm. Calm down, Eira. It's okay. You can do this." I told myself. I placed a hand on Gaia's arm as I tried to unfreeze her but nothing was happening. I tried again. Still nothing. "Okay, okay. Farah. I'll go and get Farah and everything will be okay." I panicked before standing up and running as fast as I could to the specialists hall where I found Miss Dowling talking to Mr Silva.

"Eira, what is it?" Farah asked me. I stopped running and tried to catch my breath. My throat was dry and it hurt.
"I did something." I cried. "I-I-I don't know how-how to undo it."
"What did you do?" Silva asked me, concerned.
"It's better if I just show you."

The teachers nodded me and followed me back to the canteen where Gaia was still on the floor, frozen. "Oh, no." Farah frowned.
"You can fix her, right?" I panicked. "You can unfreeze her?"
"What happened in here exactly?" Silva asked me.
"She asked me to show her some of my magic and then she slipped on the ice." I explained, stressed. "When I went to help her up, this blast came out of my hand and she was frozen. She's going to be okay though, right? She has to be okay."
"Eira, everything's going to be fine." Farah told me. "Just go and wait for us in my office. Me and Headmaster Silva will sort this out."


About an hour had passed and I was pacing back and forth through Miss Dowling's office. A little flurry of snow was following me around the room, melting at my feet and soaking into the carpet. I turned around immediately as the door opened and Farah walked in. "Is she okay?" I questioned.
"She's going to be fine." Farah said. "Me Silva is with her now, her dad's on his way."
"Thank, god." I sighed with relief.
"She doesn't remember anything, Eira." The woman then told me. "Which is good for us. Saul and I have agreed that no one else needs to know about this. We've also decided that it would be best for you if didn't use magic outside of lessons."
"But how will I practice over the summer?" I asked her.
"You won't." Farah stated. "You're gonna go and stay with Riven this summer and hopefully when you get back, we can forget that this ever happened."
"I'm really sorry, Farah." I told her.
"I know you are."
"But she's okay?"
"Yes. She's fine." Farah then pulled me into a tight hug.
"Thank you." I whispered. "For everything you've done for me."
"Go to bed. I expect Riven will want to leave in the morning." I nodded and flashed rhe woman a smile before leaving her office and carrying myself to bed.

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