show me

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Luth look at the two that the queen chooses to go with him 

Aloandra Manos, skillful with the sword and shield,bow, and spear, she can easily be a weapon master, it was said that she can master any weapon with ease, but she doesnt have the afinity to use magic that is why, very rare for a drunitian to not be able to use magic, specially for a noble

Aber Veladorn, luth met him once, a young red haired man that using a single two handed sword in combat as the queen says, but he can also use a sword and shield combination, he is not from royalty, that's probably why he's only a city guard rather than a proper knight .. he's proficient with fire magic

I wonder why aria choosed him.. luth thought to himself

"Thank you for answering my summoning Ms. Manos, and Mr. Veladorn I called you two here because I choose you two to be in a mission with Sir luth kincade"

Luth nods at the two

"What kind of mission my queen?" Aloandra ask

"It's a mission to come with me, travel with me, and help me make the our Majesty's plan successful, we will show the world that you, The drunitians are not evil as they believe"  luth answers

"S-sir, I believe miss manos is capable to be in this quest but me? I'm just a commoner city guard, why choose me?"

"You are chosen by the queen, raise you head and be proud of it young man" said loscivia "I'm sure the queen has her reasons"

Aber nods still a lil tense up

"Alright... Let's stop the chattering for now, the queen may choose you two but I still need to test you" luth said before walking towards them

"Draw your weapons... And try to survive"  as luth said those words the two candidates suddenly felt the killing intent on luth's eyes as he approach them

Aloandra pulls her sword out of it's sheet and raises her shield

Aber pulls out his two handed sword ready to face his death in this battle

Luth pulls iciel out of her saya walking at the two manecingly 

And thus, the test started

Loscivia sighs at the sight "he's going full on this test, showing that much killing intent..." Loscivia commented

Meanwhile the queen herself is just watching beside the dark elf

The first one who moves is aloandra with precise and very effective sword strikes to the body

But luth keeps moving, dodging the attacks with ease

And lastly he parried aloandra's sword to the side and ready to attack her head but aloandra block it with her shield and falls back

"Miss aloandra.. we should think about how we should attack him and not just-"  before aber is able to finish his sentence

Aloendra already attacked again this times charging ahead shield up and attacks luth's torso again with a side slash

Luth blocks the attack with ease once again and counters with a stab to her abdomen but she parried it with her shield

Seeing that luth is open she goes for it, but

Suddenly aloandra  drops down the ground

It turns out luth uses iciel's scabbard/saya 

"I saw it..." Aber said to himself "he purposely bait her to parry his sword with her shield then goes for it, he uses the wooden scabbard of his sword as a weapon, jabbing it to her forehead"

Aloandra stands up with her forehead  bleeding but she still raise her shield

Luth is impress, that this knight can still stand after that

Aloandra again charges at luth but all her attacks are easily evaded by the more experience knight

When luth is about to aloandra's shoulder with the blunt part of iciel

He was shot by arrow shape flame by aber stopping his attack to aloandra and deflect the fire arrows instead

Aloandra looks at aber In surprise

Luth smiles and put iciel back on her scabbard

"Well done, you two passed, you showed me what you can do and I think this test can also be a lesson, for aloandra, I assume you learn that teamwork is a essential for your survival, and aber, you learn some new techniques from me probably "

The two nods at luth

Luth then smiled at them "you two passed, tomorrow we will leave, so prepare now! And... Aloandra.. get medical attention.. sorry about your forehead..."

Aloandra nods "yes sir! Thanks for the lesson sir!"


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