Christmas special

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It's that time of the year again, luth thought to him self as he is riding a wagon to drunitia, he was still in training but was given a day off for this occasion so that he can enjoy it with her friends and family, and probably Ariana as well

As luth walk down the wagon right outside the entrance of drunitia he looks at the gates and smiles "I'm home"


Luth is walking in drunitia, people who recognize him greets him which he would say hi back and wave at em

The whole city is lively as its the day off the Festival in December, which is Christmas day for luth

As he continue to walk he would arrive at the giant tree right in the middle of the city,looks like everyone is still doing the last minute decorations for the tree

"Hey luth!" A familiar voice called

Luth look at the the voice's position to see his good friend Evaine, one of his teammates in the times in the academy

"It's been a long time!" Evaine is going for a fist bump which luth did

"Yeah, I've not been here for so's everyone?" Luth asked

"Well as you can see everyone is ready to party for the night, we're still doing some decorations though, are you coming?"

"Nah, mom told me that everyone from our family should just stay in our house and celebrate the festival together"

As luth told evaine that his eyes somewhat become lifeless

"Eh!? What's wrong!?" Luth ask,feeling worried to his friend

"N-no in fine.. so..  Tessa won't come in the party huh?"

And soon, luth realise that the problem is that evaine's dilemma is about his sister Tessa

"Oh... That huh?" Luth said with a small smile

"Yeah .."

"I guess I'll tell Mom that you will celebrate with us.. "

Evaine's eyes become lively again "thank you so much luth! You are a real friend!" He then runs off to do his work again

"That's guy... He really like Tessa huh?"


Luth knocks on the door, it was his house, his and his family's house

As the door open, his adopted sister, Tessa kincade

"Welcome home luth, how's the journey"

"It's tiring, but at least I'm home for the festival yes? You dont have a wokr today?"

"Well queen Ariana gave a me a early day off so I'm here now"

Tessa is working as a personal maid for Ariana, Ariana would even call her friend

"I see, where's mom?" Luth ask as he enter the house

"She's in the kitchen making your favorite meal, beef stew"

"Wow, no I'm much more glad to my self that I went home, oh, and also, please tell Mom to expect visitors later"

"Hmm? Visitors? Who?"

"Hehehe, you'll see" luth smiled

"Alright, I'll tell Mom, you still know where your room is right?"

"Of course I know" luth said as he walk towards his room to drop his bag before walking to the kitchen when his mom is cooking

"Hi Mom"

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