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Before we start the chapter I wanna share this drawing of luth that I made hahahahaha

Before we start the chapter I wanna share this drawing of luth that I made hahahahaha

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Okay let's go back to the story


After a lil battle with the hammer hero Haruna Kamiyama

Haruna and her companion dark elf Branwen escorts luth'as group to graylock's castle to meet the king of graylock Lars Windbear, the kingdom is called graylock because it started as a mining area for dwarves in the old days called graylock

Graylock is located on a mountain with the same name

While traveling through the town, looks like different races lives in this place, humans,elves,dwarves...and many more

As the group Arive at the castle

They went straight to the king himself, waiting in the throne room

In the room they meet Lars, a dwarf with ginger hair and beard

"Nice to met yeh, the warrior who defeated a hero" said the king while looking at luth and his group

"King Lars of graylock, I am honored that you allow us to meet you..but, how did you know that we are coming?" Ask luth

"Well, ye see young warrior, we have informants in other kingdoms, so of course we will know about this"

"So you have spies? Great... So you know why we Are here?"

"Not really, we only know they ye and YER group will arrive, that's why I ask our own summoned hero haruna go and escort you to the city"

"They why did she attack us?"

Lars looks surprise when luth ask

"Haruna! I told ye to not do anything stupid!" Lars shouts at haruna

Haruna laughs while scratching her head

". . . . So she's not suppose to attack us?" Ask aloandra

"Yes, seriously.. why are the heroes stupid?" Kurumi said while sighing

"Well, let me explain why we are here"

Luth explained we everything to the king, about making peace to other kingdoms to prevent any possible wars, to start trades with kingdoms, and specially, to find the heroes

"And why do ye want to find heroes eh?" Ask lars

"Sir, this so called heroes are people from another world, a world that functions different to ours, this heroes are new to the system and rules of this world..We want to find them so we can make sure that no kne will try to use their power .. we already see it happen"

"I see, well do not worry lad, all the time that haruna was here, she has been monitored by that dark elf, and she's not doing anything Stupi- well she do stupid things, but she has a good heart and won't harm the innocent" the king answered

"If that's the case, can we ask that haruna join us in our journey?"

"And why?" Ask Lars

"With her help, we can make peace with everyone, she is a hero so people would respect her.. and if a hero sided with us drunitians"

"Then the names of drunitians will be cleared from being demons" said lards


After hearing this haruna stand in front of luth

"Let me go with them old man Lars!" Haruna shouted

Lars sigh "I cannot do that, ye are a hero, and yer power is needed if we have a war..." He look directly at her eyes


"But if ye want too!" Lars lifts her battle axe and stand up "ye have to defeat me girl"

Haruna smiles "bring it on old man!"

"Then it's settles.. tomorrow we will fight, but for now, ye all have a nice rest"

Luth nods and walk out of the room, servants escorts them to their rooms

Haruna and branwen then walk to the a open area in the castle 

"Haruna.. are you sure that you want to go?" Branwen ask

"Of course! I want to see the world! And about the war! If I can help to make peace out there this place won't even have wars!"

Branwen smile "then I shall follow you"


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