Secrets Revealed

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Luth and the other two with him returned to camp to see a new face around, he approaches them while looking at kurumi

"Who's this?" He ask kurumi confused on what the hell is happening right now

"Well.. why won't you find yourself?" Said kurumi, which made luth sigh

Luth put the firewoods at the ground nearby the place where they decided to put up a fire

"Alright... Can you please tell me who you are now?" Luth sat right across the new guy inspecting him, looking at his face trying to read his expressions

"My name is Markus Stone sir! I-I'm.. a former knight in the kingdom of Rhaodia... Now fighting for the resistance..our spies have heard that the faceless knight, who defeated the sword hero had come to seek audience to king! And we want to meet him! And ask for help.. where is the faceless knight.. I need to talk to him!"

Kurumi can't stop but to let out a giggles after hearing what Markus told them "well.. if you are trying to look for the faceless knight, he's right in front of you",

"Right in front of me?" Markus then look at luth

"Yep.. haaa... That's me.."

"I-im very sorry! I didn't know that it was you sir!"

"D-dont be sorry.. jeez.. okay so can you now tell us what's happening in this place?"


Felyna and branwen had easily infiltrated the castle

"Alright, we will meet up in this point after an hour.. don't get caught " said branwen

Felyna agree.. as there's the two of em, it would be easier to investigate in different areas

Felyna went to the upper floors of the castle as her cat Beastman ability makes her an excellent Climber while branwen stayed in the lower floor

Branwen had enter inside the castle... Trying not to alert any guards...he saw a guard enter a room... He follows the guard

Before The Guard can notice him, Branwen had thrown a sleeping dart at the guard.. branwen catches the guard so he won't make noises as he is wearing armor "by the gods he's heavy.." said the dark elf

He look around the place it seems a small storage "dangit, I thought something important will be here" he left the sleeping guard in the ground to find more place to investigate

Felyna is climbing the castle from the outside using a claw like climbing gear, it was a easy job for her... It's when she saw a man on a room praying on the window...when the man stops praying and walk out, felyna strikes quickly and jump through the glassless window tackling the man down putting her dagger tip on his throat "don't move or I'll push it in..."

"A-are you with the resistance?" Said the man "i-im the king.. please.. don't kill me.. I'll tell you everything just please help me

"Then talk, what is happening in this country? Why do you attack the faceless knight's group"

"Y-you're with the faceless knight?" He felt the tip on her dagger touch his neck


"I-i will... T-the hero.. he has the power to seduce any female .. and he has seduce my daughter . And countless females.. he is a vile man.. h-he promise me that she won't touch my daughter if I follow him.. he's also a strong warrior.. with the Hero's spear in his hand"

Felyna take his dagger off him "well that's easy nya" she said as she walk towards the wall "please don't tell the hero shout this, or we won't be able to do anything" she said before jumping out the window


Meanwhile at the camp luth and the others had heard the story from Markus

"H-he's horrible!" Said haruna "why the hell would be a pervert piece of shit be summon as a hero!"

"The people of this world has no control over who they will summon.." kurumi explains.. with visible disgust in her face after hearing the story

"I understand... And you want us to fight with the resistance to save your country from the spear hero? " ask luth

"Yes, please...this is the last time I'm asking this, but please help us"

"Alright" luth said without any hesitation, with him remembering the goddess known as creator said to him before... And his purpose


The Demon Queen's Knight Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now