The Beast of the abyss

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A beast with 8 legs roared onto the two, it is the one that they run from a few minutes ago.

The beast has sharp sharp claws and teeth like those of daggers with spikes on its back...Aber recognize this monster, he read about it back in drunitia, this creature is a basilisk..a lizard monster with venomous bites and petrifying gaze...

"I'll keep it distracted.. you run to the exit.." Aber said calmly

"What? Are you insane? This thing will kill you"

"I know it can, but you are in no position to fight with the condition of your shoulder..Please trust me"

Aloandra just looked at Aber before pulling out her sword, she not having any of it "I know you are still blaming yourself over this..get over it,We both can't die hereWe have a mission right!? We are chosen to join Sir luth on his journey to give a better impression to our race WE are a team and we will take this thing together"

Aber's eyes widen hearing those words, Aloandra is a very capable warrior and a a friend

"I lost, alright... There's no way we can't sneak past it, I'll borrow your shield if it's fine"

And so they start to run, running as fast as they can hoping that the Basilisk won't notice them..but it did

Quickly blocking their way and tried using it's petrifying gaze onto Aber, bit reading about the creature he know what to do, stretching his arm forward casting a spell shooting out flames like those breath of a dragon..though not as strong as dragon flames it still manage to break it's gaze upon them

The two then split, Aber running towards the left and Aloandra to the left.

The two the slashed onto the basilisk front leg wounding it. The creature let out a loud roar that echoes throughout the caverns

The duo would run towards the exit but the basilisk uses it's tail to hit Aber but thankfully he has Aloandra's shield..but the impact is strong enough for him to get thrown into the ground

"Aber!" She had a chance to leave but she wouldn't leave Aber alone here. Seeing that the basilisk is about to use it petrifying gaze onto Aber, she quickly slash onto the basilisk's left row of legs

The creature was hurt and tries to use it's powerful legs to hit aloandra, it's claws are enough to Pierce through stone

Aloandra barely dodges the creatures attack, she is constantly moving to the side, the basilisk's blind spot so that she won't get hit by its petrifying gaze

A few seconds Aber stands up, looking at Aloandra who is fighting the basilisk waiting for him to stand hurt, he cant feel his left arm..he can still move it but it's numb from the basilisk's tail 

At that point, the young Drunitian knew they won't win this with their strength and skill..they aren't as good as Luth and the others just yet.. it's when he felt his sword, The Crimson Edge pulse with unknown power

He can feel it, it's somewhat telling him to focus his magic onto it's edge

He focuses his magic...hoping that Aloandra will be fine.

He focuses his magic into the edges of the then glows bright red, he knows what to do

Running toward the basilisk that was being occupied by Aloandra's skillful dodges, and with one if cutting vegetables, he cut the basilisk hide open making is spur out blood all over making it fall to the ground

Aber was surprised..what is this sword???? Before he can think more his body felt weak, his body is on the verge of collapsing. Aloandra catches her

"Y-you did it aber, you slay the Basilisk" putting her sword on its scabard before helping aber up with her one functional arm "we need to get out of here"


"Aloandra... It''s not"


"It's not dead yet..."


The basilisk slowly stands up..its not yet defeated, it's in the verge of death but still alive it was about to bite the too when a crossbow bolt went pass through the two young Drunitians hitting the Basilisk on its eye making it Roar in agony and pain.. the crossbow bolt then exploded..making part of the Basilisk face get destroyed beyond recognition before it finally fell down the ground dead

"Good thing I'm not late" a familiar voice, it's Branwen, he came to their rescue... The dark elf helped Aloandra on helping Aber walked "quick, we need to get out of here"...


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