The resistance

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After a few hours Felyna and branwen would return and..

"Seriously?" Branwen said while looking at Markus "we did all that.. and you get all the information need form this guy? I can't believe it"

"True nya... It's hard nya know.." felyna added

"S-sorry you two" luth said while smiling to the fact all the hard work that the dark elf and the cat beastwoman are all for nothing as they get the info from Markus "alright markus, please bring us to the resistance"


Markus brought luth deep in the forest , luth is wearing his mask and the others are also in light disguise

The resistance base, is very deep inside the forest... Tents, easy to assemble and easy to take down if the enemy find where they are

"Here is it, this is our base of operation I will call the our leader"

"Not too shabby.." said luth

"Ohhh? Is this the guy you are talking about " A muscular man wearing chain mail armor walk towards the group

"Father, this Is the faceless knight, he defeated the sword hero and I'm sure he can help us with the spear hero" Markus answer

"I see... The faceless knight huh? And what about the other people?"

"They're my comrades" said luth while looking at the muscular man

"Hmm, so you and your comrades will help us with our problem? To defeat that so called hero?"

"That's what me and Markus had agreed on"

"I want to see how strong you are faceless knight, let's have a duel... I'm Krus.. former knight of rhaodia"

Hearing those words the people in the camp looked

Luth look around, it's seems Krus is a strong fighter seeing how the others react

"Are we really doing this right now?" Luth asked before sighing "fine if you want proof... I guess I can do it"

The two the walk towards the middle.. sword at hand ready to duel

And it has begun

Krus charging in first, with a very fast downward strike but luth quickly dodges to the side when he went for a slags towards krus's neck Krus masterfully deflected luth's attack

Just with a raise of his sword Krus had block the blow then pushing luth forward with his sword

Luth already know what krus's style is.. relying on power and defense..

But he figures he needs to end this quickly, this is a test if he's really the faceless knight after all

Charging towards krus luth hold his katana in the tradition way as he run toward the opponent as krus try attack with a right side slash luth use his agility to jump over krus's sword and he was ready to hit Krus on his head.. but that will surely kill.. songe intentionally miss it

Krus can only smile as he put his sword on its sheath "hahahaha! I am now convince! "

Luth look at krus and sigh in relief ... Now.. what will happen?


The Demon Queen's Knight Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now