What are you?

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"luth, be careful... This woman... She's strong... " Said Ariana

"I know, please heal loscivia, I'll handle this woman for now" luth asked Ariana to helped his injured dark elf friend 

Queen Clarisse talks "leave her to me, I'll heal her" Clarisse run towards  loscivia to heal her with healing magic

"So, what brings you here?" Ask lirh while he's walking around the witch who is just standing straight while following him with her looks

"Ohh~ I'm just here to test out my new magic? Did you like it?~ the wall barrier that incase this castle?, I was wondering how you get in, I know it's tall enough that people can never climb it, perhaps.. you use a wyvern to get in?"

"I'll just leave that part as a mystery.." luth said before charging at the witch's back, her blind spot but the witch already got a shield shaped barrier ready to block luth's attack

Luth's blade,iciel,was block by one of the shield shaped barriers once again

The witch smirks as he faces luth and blast him with multiple fire balls

Luth dodges the fire balls left and right but when one is about to hit him, he slashes the fireball in half using iciel

"Hmm?~ you are better than I expected, to see a fine warrior like you here, are you perhaps one of the summoned hero?, No, you don't have the hero's blade, then who are you?"

"I'm just one of the Queen's knight of drunitia" luth said before creating multiple  spikes made of ice and sending it flying towards the witch's direction

The witch cast fire balls once again to intercept the Ice spikes, just like when it hits the ice wall, mist covers luth's position

Luth uses his strategy when he fought the sword hero by using a ice spike as a distraction but attacking from a different angle

The witch easily dodges the Spike and blocks luth's sneak attack with one of her shield shaped barrier

The fight went very close as luth swiftly and precisely swing his blade to the Raven haired witch, the witch is blocking every single swing of his blade

It was clear the the witch is experience in close quarters combat as well

The witch would then parry luth's blade and casted a close range lightning spell

Luth was off guard, he never expected spell caster like her would be good in close combat

Luth has no choice but to you use one of the things he learns from lirzlyth

A large explosion from the lightning magic can be heard throughout the castle and some parts of the city

"Luth!" Ariana shout

"I-is he?" Eliza  said while looking at the smoke that the blast make

"No, look" wendell point at the smoke

As the smoke clears out

Everyone can't believe what they saw..

Luth, using a wing made out of ice to shield from the attack, the wing is coming from the left side of his back, it's shaped like those of a dragon

"That's was close.." said luth as the wings slowly melts in his command

"Who are you? No.. WHAT are you? Fufu~ you are an interesting fellow" said the witch

Luth get into his stance once again "enough talk"


The Demon Queen's Knight Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now