to the Dragon village we go

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A day after the test, and after saying they're goodbyes to family and friends

Luth and his group set out on a journey, with a new ally by their side

A land lizard, a giant lizard creature that the lizard man is using to pull carriages

Inside the carriage is felyna,aloandra,and aber

In front driving the carriage is luth who is the leader of the group

"Lady felyna, where are we going first?" Ask Aber

"Nya? I told you that stop calling me lady nya, just call me felyna"

"O-okay.. umm miss felyna.. where are we going first?"

Felyna smiled "the dragon's village, we still need to fetch kurumin nya~ anyways, why is Aloandra sulking?"

"Ummm" aber looks at aloandra "I dunno"

Hours of travel they finally arrived at the dragon's village, the place where luth trained with the guidance lirzlyth

"Hmmm.. say, should we stay in this place for tonight? " Luth asked the others

"Sure, let's rest here tonight! " Felyna said while drooling

"Wipe your drool first... You only agree because they cook a tasty fish dish here you cat.."  said luth

The group went straight to the mansion where kurumi is staying and training under Vincent droevigger the village's doctor

Once in the mansion they are greeted by the maids,Butler, and the dragon herself

"How's my favorite student!?" Lirzlyth greeted luth

"I'm your only student..."

"That's why your my favorite! I heard from the queen, your going on a massive adventure huh? I wish I could go too but I'm busy " said lirzlyth

While they are talking kurumi appears "took you long enough, I've been waiting.. so should we leave now?"

"Ummm, we decided to stay here for tonight" say luth

Kurumi stares at luth and the others before saying "it's about felyna and the fish dish isn't it?"

Luth just thumbs up with a straight face

"Fufu~ Benjamin's fish recipe is really delish, but for now, who's this two?" Lirzlyth points at aloandra and aber

"M-my name is Aber ma'am!"

"Aloandra manos" aloandra bows

Aloandra stares at aber

"Ummm ma'am?" Aber is confused

"I see, so that's whats happening huh? Anyways! Let's have a feast tonight! And Aisha please fetch my love Vincent in his home"

"As you wish mistress" the wolf maid quickly goes to Vincent's house

"Seriously..." Luth said after hearing his master proclaiming her love for the mage

And that night everyone enjoys a feast at the mansion, everyone is invited even the villagers


While everyone is eating at the feast aloandra sneaks out and went to a balcony, she look at the sky and sighed

"Ahhhhh!!!.. I just embarrass myself when sir luth tested our abilities... In so dumb! I hate my self!" Yes.. that is the reason why she's, it's not because she mad that aber took the spotlight

She's just embarrass that she embarrass herself in front of her idol luth kincade

"Umm.. is that really the only reason?" Aber smiled awkwardly after hearing aloandra's tantrum

"Wah! Since when are you here!?"

".... Since you you screamed?" Aber answered

Aloandra sits on the floor and hides her blushing face "so embarrassing..."

Aber sighs in relief "the the gods your not sulking because your mad at me"

"Why would I?, You teach me something important that day.. and umm.. sorry if I gave you a wrong idea"

Aber smiled "it's fine, as long as I know the real reason now"

Aloandra smiled back "but I won't forgive you for speaking up on me like that!"

Aloandra then took her sword, still in it's sheet and Chase aber around

"Wait! Sorry! It's just an accident!!!"


Luth and lirzlyth is looking at aloandra and aber

"Hm, as I though those two will be just fine, as I expect with Ariana, she pick the right people for the job"

Lirzlyth smile "yes, I agree" she then look at the red haired boy


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