The wall

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Ariana, and the other leaders had arrive in galaeria, even though king Wendell of towerfall is late

"Looks like all of us are here" said Clarisse "even though one of us is late" clarisse is talking about Wendell who arrives 3 hours late, it was already night time and almost time for the party to begin

"I said I'm sorry queen clarisse you don't have to tell me that again and again" Wendell replied

"Oh? Wendell as a ruler you should know that you should always be punctual, that's one of main thing you have to learn as a leader of a country"

"Geee.. I know sorry okay?"

While the two are bickering Eliza and Ariana are just smiling

"Are they always like this miss Eliza?" Ask ariana

"Well... Yeah, you'll get used to it"

The two would finish there lil bickering session, the party officially started, some  Lord's from the country of galaeria,amblecrown and towerfall had arrive and start talking to each others with all 4 rulers sitting on a special positioned where they can see everyone and everyone can see them...

The guards inside the castle are on guard for any uninvited people

Loscivia is standing beside the Ariana.. guarding her from any danger that might come 

"This party is really something queen Clarisse" Ariana complimented

"Is that so? Well I guess I've given a very great first impression queen Ariana.., well while we are at it, tell me more about Luth kincade"

"Ohhhh! Is that the  man who defeated a summoned hero! I heard stories about him" Wendell added

"Now to think of it, I only know luth for a short period of time, but he's been with you for long right miss Ariana?"

Ariana smiled "alright, I'll tell some things about him"

With all the talk about luth, loscivia can't help herself but to sigh

"Luth was adopted by one of the great knights of amblecrown when they went to a human village to see it burned down by human soldiers"

"That's horrible... Where is that village? " Clarisse ask nervously, knowing that it might be her kingdom who did it, even if she didn't order it, some soldiers would still do this things without her knowing

"As I remember it was within the amblecrown's land"

"I'm so sorry about that, as the new ruler of amblecrown I would try to lessen.. no.. stop this kind of massacres... " Eliza said silently

"You don't have to feel sorry about it queen eliza, it was quiet normal for us humans.. it because we humans has the most numbers of people in this world.. in fighting withing our race will always be more common" said wendell

"Please continue queen ariana" clarrise said with a smile, totally liking the story

"Me and luth became friends as his mother would bring him to work when she's in the castle, we also attend the same academy that train skilled children to be future warriors" Eliza then point at loscivia "she was one of luth's teammates that time"

The story went on for quiet sometime until the party ends

The Ariana,Eliza and wendall decided that they will stay  in the castle of galaeria for the night



Luth arrives at the gates of galaeria

"Thanks for the ride bud" luth Pat the wyvern's head before it flies back to lirzlyth's place

Luth walk to the gate and pay toll to the surprised guards

He walk through the town to the castle

"I didn't expect for this place to be that far even by air it took as quiet a while to arrive here

"This place is quiet lively, I've never been in a place like this for so long.. we've been in the forest, the plains and the mountains mainly while training with miss lirzlyth"

"True, but it was fun, we got to breath the freshes air that we can get" luth stretches his arms and continue walking until he feel down his spine

"What was that?" He ask iceal "did you feel that too iciel?"

"Yes,... It's a powerful surge of magic"

Not long a glowing purple wall barrier  
Appeared to be incasing the castle of galaeria

Without saying a word with rushes to the castle


Ariana was sleeping when she felt a powerful surge of magic, as he look at the window she would see a glowing purple wall incasing the whole castle

Some parts of the floor starts glowing purple as well and a hooded man wielding a sword appears and attack ariana

Ariana, being a skilled fight roll to the side where her weapon is to dodge the attack

After dodging she quickly take her sword and slashes the hooded man on it's torso horizontally cutting it in half

After that the hooded man turns into dust... There she knew that the man is made out of magic ...

"Queen Ariana!" Loscivia barge in the room, wearing her armor as she was on guard duty "are you alright!?'

"Yes, I'm fine loscivia, what's  happening?"

"I- I dunno my queen... But for now we shall find a safe place"

Ariana nods and went with loscivia


At the top of the wall barrier

"Preparations are done... The first step has started... Fufufu..hahahahahaha" a very mature and sultry voice of a woman can be heard laughing


The Demon Queen's Knight Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now