Chapter 8

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A/N Sorry for not uploading last weekend, I was at the Sam King Meetup on Saturday, and I was freaking my shit a little bit so yeah :') also happy Valentine's Day, and happy single awareness day. Tbh the second one is more important to me. So I'm just gonna sit here eating my ice cream and crying to myself.


A few hours later Bella woke up groggily from the bright white lights in hospital. She tipped her head to the side and noticed an IV in her arm.

Out the window she could tell it was probably about the middle of the night, but she couldn't sleep again, even if she tried. On the nightstand was her phone, she unlocked it and scrolled through the numerous texts and calls from various people.

She began listening to voicemails dedicated to her getting better and bla bla bla.
Just as she was about to put her phone down another one popped up.

Who the hell would be trying to call her at 3am?

She began listening, but instead of a voice she recognised she heard a little girl's voice, one who she felt like she had heard before.

"Bella, please come find me, I miss you, I'm scared, no one knows where I am... Help me I-" the message cut off.

Frantically she tried redialling the number several times, but it went to voicemail every time.

-next morning-

Sometime that night she had ended up falling asleep, but she woke up from her phone buzzing by her ear. She quickly picked up and tried to sound like she wasn't half dead.


"Uh hi?" She replied to the caller

"Yes, hi, you called this number yesterday a few times, who are you?" A woman's voice asked her.

"Oh yeah, um I think maybe your daughter called me last night? It was a little girl's voice, and she knew my name so I just wondered." Bella responded.

"I'm sorry, but my daughters been dead for several years now. Goodbye." The phone cut off.

She stared at her phone for a few minutes and was only brought to her senses when she felt a presence enter her room.

Looking up she smiled when she saw Millie carrying her laptop and a bag of Doritos.

"Your awake!" She exclaimed, dropping the crap on the end of the bed and hugging her.

"Mille, you didn't have to bring this stuff, I was gonna call you to tell you not to worry about coming." She laughed, picking up the Doritos and finally realising how hungry she was.

At some point during the morning the rest of the guys came into the room to talk to her and left to go get coffees, until it was only Jake left.

"Jake, I need your help." Bella finally worked up the courage to tell him her theory.

"Are you okay? Your not pregnant are you?" He asked seriously.

She almost spat out her coffee at that one.

"No you bloody moron."

"Okay.. What is it then?" He asked.

She took a deep breath.

"I think Millie's right."

"About what?"

"Look this is going to sound absolutely crazy and I know it sounds mental and I didn't believe her until this morning but-" she was cut off by him asking her to stop rambling and to just tell him.

"I think there's a little girl haunting us."

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