Chapter 17

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Millie laughed hoarsely. "You've got to have mixed it up. There's no way I'm talking to a dead girl. You guys are just trying to get into my head." She finished angrily. "Come on Maddeline, lets go." Millie stood up and flounced back along the corridor, still talking to no one. The only thing the remaining group noticed about her absence was that the air became less cold.

"Great, now I have 2 people in the house with something against me." Bella huffed, wrapping her arms around her legs and dropping her head on her knees.

Chris and James sat down next to her, trying to make her happier by basically repeating everything Millie had told her minutes ago. She didn't believe it then and she sure as hell didn't believe it now. Eventually she just stood up without a word, tired of hearing them try and make her feel better. She didn't need sympathy, she was the one who ended it. She needed a coffee. Maybe something stronger. Tequila would do nicely right now. She trudged down the stairs, leaving James and Chris sitting at the top of the stairs and made her way through the bottom floor. All eyes were on her, but the only eyes she had a problem with right now were nowhere to be seen. Good.

She waltzed into the kitchen and straight over to the cupboard above the fridge. Before the party she had hid her good alcohol behind some boxes of pop tarts and she was praying that no one else had found it. she pushed the boxes aside to reveal her much needed tequila bottle just a little out of her reach. Standing on her tiptoes her fingers grazed the bottle but she was just too short to reach it. From behind her a voice spoke up that made every cell in her body freeze up.

"Want me to help with that?"

She didn't even bother turning around.

"Doesn't matter, i'll get it later."

Footsteps began to approach her from behind so she quickly slammed the cupboard door closed and left Casey standing helplessly in the kitchen. There was no way she was going to give him the satisfaction of her looking at him when hearing his voice was bad enough.

The sun had dipped behind the trees long ago and the only light that appeared through the windows in the hallway was from the moon. She couldn't sleep that night, and now was a perfect time to get good and drunk to escape reality for a few hours. She creeped down the hallway and once at the bottom of the stairs flicked on the lights for the kitchen. No one was awake at this time, so she checked her phone. 2am. Crap. This time she pulled a chair over to the cupboard and hoisted herself up, snatching the bottle into her palm and headed back up the stairs and along to the balcony door, silently sliding it open and stepping outside. The crisp winter air made her breathe in quickly, the cold taking her off guard.

She leaned against the railing, opening the bottle and slowly taking sips from it, trying to make it last as long as possible.

Almost like deja vu, her body tensed up upon hearing a voice she didn't want to hear right now, no, she didn't want to hear it ever again.

"Well, I can't say that this is a surprise." She could practically hear him smirking.

It wasn't Casey. No. At this moment in time she wanted nothing but him here to defend her and keep her safe.

She slowly turned around, not caring about giving him satisfaction anymore.

She let out a shaky breath, the air fogging up from the cold.


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