Chapter 15

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Several hours had passed and still the whole house was swamped in an uncomfortable silence. Casey had been pulled outside by Chris and Tom, because they had a feeling he was going to punch a wall, or a person.

Millie was sat on the sofa with Charlie's arm draped around her neck, softly rubbing circles with his thumb on her back to try and keep her calm. Jake still had yet to come downstairs with Bella but Barclay had come down several times to see if Casey was still angry.

Angry was an understatement.

To be honest, everyone in the house was on Bella's side. Seriously, who accuses the victim of almost getting raped?

The door slammed shut and caused everyone's heads to shoot up. Casey, Chris and Tom were standing in the doorway. Tom looked fine, not a hair out of place. But Casey and Chris.. not so much. Casey had blood pouring from his knuckles and Chris had a black eye and a bloody nose. Chris probably said something along the lines of "She wasn't wrong Casey, you were." To end up with his face looking like that.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Reece asked Tom, eyeing Casey up, making sure he wasn't going to punch him or something too.

"Casey got angry because Chris said something he disagreed with, Chris got punched in the face." Tom summed it up pretty quickly.

Millie stood up, now worried about her friends injury's.

Wow apparently Millie had a mothering attachment on them or something.

"Charlie, stay here and take care of Chris for me, I'll take Casey." She ordered, dragging Casey to the bathroom a little too forcefully, ignoring his complaints of pain.

She slammed the door shut and spun round to face him.

"I'm sorry for kicking you in the balls." She said hesitantly.

Casey avoided her intense stare by keeping his eyes glued to his hands.

"But to be honest, you fucking deserved it bitch."

His jaw tensed, and his eyes flickered over to her for a second, before returning to his hands.

Millie walked over to the sink and began running the tap, filling up the sink with water, then taking his hands and dropping them into the water, making him hiss slightly at the contact.

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile upstairs in Jake's bedroom Bella sat on his bed with Barclay and Jake comforting her.

"He's and asshole"

Barclay told her sympathetically, as he leant on Jake's doorframe, meanwhile Jake had his arms wrapped around Bella.

"I hate him, how did I spend a whole fucking year not realising how much of a dick he is?" She spat, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"He isn't like this normally Bella, he's just upset, you know that." Jake murmured into her hair.

"Maybe it's for the best."

"What do you mean?" Jake sat up and looked at her

"I mean, I don't know maybe it's like a sign or something." She replied, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Okay yeah try and be more specific" Barclay raised his eyebrows at her.

"I mean, we've been together for almost a year, we had a good run. All things must come to an end, so why not now? The sooner I accept it, the sooner everyone can move on with their lives." She explained, sighing.

The two boys were at a loss for words.

"So that's it? You guys are done? For good?" Jake asked her after a few minutes.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

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