chapter 10

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After hours of desperate frustration Jake still didn't seem to be any closer to believing her story.

"Look, I get it you've been through a lot in the past few days, but maybe your story is just that. A story." Jake told her over and over again.

"Jake please just believe me, I was right a year ago and I'm right now. What if this is something to do with what happened last year? I mean, it all ended so soon, how did we know for sure it was all over?" she began panicking, and soon Jake began noticing her heart machine beep faster and faster.

"Woah calm down, what do you mean? What happened last year? Nothing bad happened last year, y'know except for the fact that you got drugged and all." He saw her looking confused as her heart rate began to slow back to normal, before she slumped back on the bed again.

"oh, it was a dream."

"You never told anyone about that dream you know. Not even Millie or Casey. Why?" He asked her after a minutes silence.

"Because I was scared." She whispered, looking down.

"It wasn't real, you know that."

"But it felt real, more real than anything I've ever felt before. It can't have just been a dream, honestly it can't have."

"Bella look you're just stressed out okay, besides you were drugged, it wasn't even a real dream."

She groaned in frustration and slumped back on the bed.
Just as she was about to lecture Jake again on how real it felt, Casey walked through the door holding 2 Starbucks drinks and smiling.

"I heard you were awake." He sat next to her bed on a chair and pressed the drink into her hands.

"I see Jake's been keeping you company."

"I was just leaving. Hope you feel better soon Bella." He called as he walked through the door.

A silence settled in the room as they sipped their drinks slowly.

"How is Millie?" Bella asked, checking her phone for the 100th time.

"She's been alright, she's been here most of the time but a few hours before you woke up we told her to go home and get some sleep."

"What about Brendon?" She asked, wincing at the memories from the party.

"He's gone to jail, he'll he in there for a few years. There's no reason to worry about him." He replied, reaching over to take her hands in his and stroking his thumb over her hand.

"Good fucking riddance."

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