Chapter 20

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Within 10 minutes Millie had called everyone together who was on their outing back to the car to tell them of hers and James' finding and theories. 

"Millie, i'm not going to lie to you, but this is bullshit." Casey spoke up after awhile of silence from everyone else.

"Casey, i'm not going to lie to you but i didn't ask for your opinion so shut up." Millie snapped back, her eyes narrowing as he took a step towards her, looking like he was about to punch her in the face.

"Wow okay guys chill, I get that this is a blast from the past and bringing up all these memories, and not to put a damper on your mood or anything Millie, but what does this even mean? She could have been here years ago, maybe it was her secret place to come when she needed to get away from everyone. 

"This picture was taken the day after she got out of hospital, there is no way she had time to come here before she went away." Millie replied.

"What are you trying to prove Millie?" Reece butted in.

"I'm not trying to prove anything, I just want you all to come back with me and James so you can see it for yourself."

Reluctantly, the group agreed and so they all walked back between the factories to the one where Bella had been previously. Once at the bridges, everyone except James and Millie stopped. 

"You are bloody insane." Chris concluded.

"Chris, it's fine, trust me, we've been along here twice before." He replied. 

James walked across first, then Chris, Reece, Millie and Casey.

Millie was shuffling along the last bridge and holding onto one of the metal bars, still a fair way from the other side. Casey at this point was just beginning to step onto the bridge. 

"Be careful it gets pretty rickety down here." Millie bluntly told Casey, to which he replied with nothing, since he was probably rolling his eyes at her. She could hear his footsteps getting closer, and then he stopped directly behind her.

"Could you maybe walk faster?" He snapped, before losing his patience and shoving past her, slamming her into the metal pole. Except this pole happened to be very loose and about to break, and Casey shoving her to the side was enough for it to snap.

For a brief moment, Millie felt nothing but weightlessness as everything happened in slow motion. It was only when i finally hit her what was happening, she managed to catch hold of the bridge while she was dangling over a 4 story drop below her onto a concrete and glass filled floor. 

For a second there was absolute silence from everyone until finally Reece jumped into action and raced back down the bridge while Millie was in hysterics, crying profusely and screaming about how she was too young and pretty to die. Reece kneeled down in front of her and grabbed one of her arms and attempted to lift her up. 

"Okay I know Millie's not heavy but in this life or death situation I need one of you idiots to help me hurry the fuck up!" Reece screamed down the bridge until Casey scrambled to his feet and reached out to grab Millie's other arm, this time for them both to pull her to safety. Reece guessed since she'd been screaming so much she didn't know who had pulled her up, and since her eyes were full of tears she just hugged the closest human to her. Which was Casey. He awkwardly hugged back, with a look on his face that he knew any second that she would remember he technically was the one that put her life in danger and was in ball kicking distance away from her right now. 

Reece and Casey helped her along to the end of the bridge where Chris and James were waiting to engulf her in a hug. 

"Millie maybe we should just go, you've been through enough in the past 2 minutes." Chris suggested once he stopped hugging her.

"Oh hell fucking no, I did not almost die just to give up on proving that she was here to you guys now."

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