Chapter 7

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a few weeks passed without much corruption.

more snow fell, making it impossible for the group to leave the lodge. Probably for the best in Millie's case. They only had a 2 days till christmas and luckily all of them had been too busy getting ready for the event instead of having to persuade Millie over and over and OVER again that the girl she saw was just in her imagination. Unsurprisingly, the day after Millie had the massive freakout she was in bed sick for 3 days, often screaming about a little girl watching her sleep or something.

Even though Charlie had stayed awake for 3 days straight to make sure she didn't get possessed or whatever by this 'girl', It didn't stop Millie from waking up screaming without failure even if she only slept for 5 minutes.

praise jesus or the big guy up there that she got better, quickly. even though ever since she had been a lot more quiet than usual.

It was a Sunday morning.

Bella walked into the light kitchen in her pyjamas, yawning and beginning to make coffee. from the other side of the room she could vaguely hear some of the guys and Millie whispering frantically. since her brain wasn't really awake she just turned around to face the window and hopped onto the counter and slowly sipping her drink, gazed out the window at the city in the distance.

After about 10 minutes the group finally returned to talking normally and Bella felt a presence next to her. Looking up she saw Millie happily sitting next to her, not looking directly at her but also looking out the window.

'why are you so happy idiot?' Bella laughed at her friend who was smiling happily to herself.

'I don't know, i just think today is gonna be a good day.' she replied chirpily.

'well your acting like your on drugs you're never normally this happy' Bella nudged Millie who was still sitting their smiling and staring at nothing in paticular.

A moment later Jake, Barclay and Reece walked into the kitchen and started making toast and cereal and whatever else guys eat for breakfast.

'oh, i was thinking we could have a christmas party up here?' Reece asked suddenly, turning round with a plate of toast in his hand.

'I don't see why not, you girls in?' Barclay replied, refering to Millie, Bella AND Jake.


'How about tonight? I mean its christmas eve tommorow and no one wants to be hung over on christmas soooo' Jake trailed off.

'Sweet, alright people go tell the others and let me savour the last few hours I have today without any loud and idiotic people okay?' Bella asked, standing up and placing the now empty coffee cup on the counter and walking upstairs.

A few hours late the house was filled with people.

hundreds of drunk, horny people.


Bella wove through the mass of people all dancing to some song on the loudspeaker, a red plastic cup in hand, trying to find someone who she didn't want to stab in the face.

She stopped in a corner and sighed, smoothing down her black dress and leaning against the wall.

a few minutes later a boy who looked around the same age as Casey walked over to her. He was probably a foot taller than her and literally towered over her. Also, he was kinda attractive.

'Hey.' he smirked at her, leaning on the space of wall right next to her, trapping her between the wall and him.

'oh Hey' she replied, smiling at him before moving to take a sip of her drink.

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