Chapter 11

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On Thursday I went to the Xfactor tour and I literally had a heart attack a seeing Stereo Kicks live so R.I.P me.

Seriously though it was one of the best nights of my life and oml God damn.

The next day Bella was let out of hospital with strict orders not to do anything to physically challenging. Which to be honest Bella didn't exactly mind that much.

The group only had about 2 weeks left in the house.

Bella had walked down the stairs that night and was about to walk into the kitchen before she heard Jake, James and Casey talking.

"you've gotta tell her man."

She hid behind a pillar next to the stairs, listening to them talk.

"Dude you know he can't tell her, it will change her mind about you completely." Jake replied

"Guys, I'll tell her soon but right now she still needs to get over it. You know what he did, he was going to rape her." Casey replied.

Was this about what happened with Brendon?

"Casey, listen. We've known you for years. Hell, we've known him for years. You lied to her man, when she finds out that he got away you are so screwed, and you know that they'll try and get her again, but worse this time." James told him.

"Guys she won't find out if I don't tell her. And you guys won't tell her, will you?" Casey asked.

"Casey your mental. It's one think to lie to her about your family but it's another thing to lie to her about her own safety. God dammit if you actually gave a shit about her you'd just fucking tell her!" Jake raised his voice.

Bella winced and dug her nails into the wooden pillar. Jake never shouted, like ever.

"If you don't tell her, I will." Jake added on, but this time his voice was almost colder than her soul.


"I'll tell her. Eventually. But I'm not telling her that Brendon is my brother. Okay? She'll think that I'm exactly like him."

Bella gasped, before clasping her hand over her mouth.

Brendon was his brother?

There was no way.

They didn't look anything alike.

They didn't act anything alike.

But he had mentioned that he had a mentally ill brother.

But wasn't he in some asylum?

Apparently not.

Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps leaving the kitchen.

She looked to her left and saw Jake leaving the kitchen, and if he turned towards her he'd know that she heard all of it.

She silently jumped up several steps at a time and ran down the hallway. Just before she was about to turn into her room she saw Jake at the end of the hallway by the stairs, just standing there.

"You heard, didn't you."

Millie's door opened and she walked out sleepily.

"What's going on? I heard Jake yelling."

"Uh, nothing. Millie can you come help me with something?" Bella asked quickly, pulling Millie into her room and locking the door before Jake could reach them.

"Millie, Brendon's still here." She started talking quickly, while outside the door Jake began hitting it with his fist.

"And Brendon's Casey's brother."

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