Chapter 3

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Essentially after hours, yes hours of Jake teasing both of them and the occasional joke from Barclay and James, they arrived at the cabin that was mile and miles away from any civilisation. Seeing another Land Rover parked in front of the cabin made them realise that they weren't alone and that their friends were probably pissed at them being late.

Stepping out the car was a problem.

For some retarded reason Bella hasn't realised that the snow out here was so deep and so she ended up literally being half submerged in freezing cold snow.

Trying to move to the door but failing miserably she slipped and fell backwards into the snow.

Behind her she could hear all of them snickering.

Turning around she flipped them off before dragging herself to the door, closely followed by the rest of the boys. She raised her hand to knock but instead had the door flung open to be greeted my Millie's vlogging camera.

Essentially in the last year she had become kinda famous on YouTube, which was pretty cool that she got to take Bella to all the meet and greets she did, so she got to meet some super awesome people.

"Please don't tell me you filmed all of that." She groaned, referring back to the falling incident.

"Afraid I did hun, but that's what you get for being late." Millie replied, cutting her camera off and pulling them all inside, to be greeted by the other boys who weren't in the car.

"What up lads." Bella called over to them while taking off her coat and throwing it over the coat stand.

"We've just been waiting for you guys for" Charlie checked his watch "over 2 hours now."

"Yeah sorry about that but someone wanted to go get Starbucks." Jake replied, shooting a glance over at Bella.

"Hey it's not my fault I was thirsty."

"Yeah but was 3 times really necessary?" He shot back at her.

"Well I could've been dying of dehydration and with an attitude like that I could have died so shame on you." She replied crossing her arms.

"Okay you 2 stop with the sass this is supposed to be our Christmas break and if I have to put up with you for another 10 days I might strangle myself with the Christmas tree." Reece cut Jake off just before he replied.

"Sorry." They both muttered.

"And Charlie and Millie, none of us want to walk into your room to see either of you on top of each other eating each other's faces off or doing the deed like we did last New Years, so if your gonna do it again, just put a sign on your door or something okay?" Reece turned to them both.

Damn he was on his period or something.

"yeah yeah we get it." Charlie said, wrapping one of his arms over a Blushing Millie's shoulders.

a few hours later when the sun had dissapeared behind the trees, the group had gathered in the sitting room around a fairly shitty fire that Chris had attempted to make.

Well at least he tried.

"So Millie, you uploaded that vlog yet?" Jake asked Millie who was sitting arcoss from him, a smirk playing on his lips as he turned to look at Bella.

"oh ha ha real funny, if you dont mind i'm trying to enjoy my last few hours of not being humiliated in front of millions of your viewers" Bella whined at Millie.

"Bella its been up for about 5 hours now." Charlie replied, causing Bella to bury her face in a pillow and groan into it, making Casey and Barclay pat her back.

"How did you even get well known on youtube anyways Millie?" Tom asked, walking through the door with a cup of tea in his hand.

"not actually sure, i guss people just love me." she grinned, making everyone roll their eyes at her while laughing.

"Hang on a sec, this cabin doesnt have any tv!" James suddely exclaimed, standing up and moving to the blank space on the wall.

"good detective work idiot." Jake piped up.

"Hey guys whats the date today?" Casey suddenly switched the conversation.

"ummm December 20th. Why? is everything okay?" Millie replied to him as he got up and left the room, and soon they heard the front door slam.

"whats his deal?" Millie asked.

The boys looked at each other unccertainly.

"Is there something Casey's been keeping from us?" Bella asked.

Finally James spoke up.

"No no.. its not that. Look, Casey has a very complicated past, okay? its not our place to tell you but i know if i dont you both will nag him about it for months. Casey had a sister. She was a few years younger than him. On her 10th birthday, she was found in the woods near Casey's old house dead. He always said her dead body looked like a little doll. dark brown hair, red lips, pale skin. but they never found out what happened to her. there was no sign of murder and by no natural cause either. It's still a mystery. She was supossed to be 15 today. Thats why he's gone." He finished.

they all sat there in silence for a while.

after about 10 minutes they heard the door open and close again.

"Look, i promised him i wouldnt tell anyone so you better keep your mouths shut or i swear to god i will throw you off the roof of this house." he whispered, making them both nod quickly in understanding.

"oh your back" Bella stood up to kiss his cheek quickly.

"yeah, i am." he replied, authough he seemed distracted.

"I think i'm gonna head up to bed, goodnight guys." he added on after a while, dragging Bella along with him.

"hey why are you bringing me with you?"

"Well as my christmas present to you i decided that we could share a room" he smirked at her, before pulling her through their bedroom door and locking it.

And lets just say what happens in that room stays in that room.

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