🥀{|[I'm not here]|}📚

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As a man with Raven hair and deep blue eyes arrived back from his long mission, which took a few weeks to complete, he looks out to the horizon, thinking he had seen a familiar figure. As he walks closer, he sees a man with long peach hair, a scar on the side of his cheek and a kitsune mask, with a kimono that had the same pattern as part of his haori. Giyuu stood their for a while in disbelief as he starts running to the figure, noticing that it really is what he saw. Sabito, someone who he thought was dead for a long time. 

Giyuu ran up to the man and hugged him, tears running down his face in disbelief. "Sabito? I-is that really you?" The raven haired man asked, touching the peach haired man's mask that was put on the side of his head, along with holding his hand, just to see if Sabito was really there. 

"Giyuu, there's something I need to tell you—" Sabito started before Giyuu started to panic. "What if I'm hallucinating? Or maybe this is a dream? I have seen you getting torn apart—" "Giyuu, just listen to me." The lavender eyed man tried calming his friend down a bit. Which worked for a while until Inosuke started yelling once again, chasing Zenitsu, Tanjirou trying to calm them both down before stopping in front of Giyuu and greeting both Sabito and Giyuu before getting back to getting the 2 others to calm down. 

After the boy walked away, Giyuu just looked at Sabito with bright eyes, happy that he isn't dreaming. "It's really you!!" Giyuu exclaimed as he hugged the peach haired man. Sabito just sighs as he hugs back, smiling, also letting a few tears drop. How can I tell him? It will shatter him completely.

"Why haven't you come back to me all this time? Why leave me alone? Why-" Giyuu's words was cut by Sabito's index finger laying on the blue eye's lips. "I've watched you grow stronger, being able to fight for yourself like a man. I know it was hard without me, but I know that you were able to do it." Sabito answered before letting his hand go back down to his side. Giyuu smiles in response. "I'm just glad you are back." I'm sorry Giyuu, but I'm not really there.

Giyuu's blue eyes look back up to Sabito's lavender eyes, making him melt on the inside, the feeling he hasn't felt in years. It really was a beautiful moment. He really missed it.

The next few days of memories rushing back in, new memories being made, all of these slowly became weeks and months. Oh Giyuu. Only if you knew. But I cant just bring myself to tell you.

As these months passed by, the Hashiras kept looking at each other in concern for Giyuu. His behavior has changed completely. From the way he talks, the way he acts, even the way he looks. He seemed less depressed than usual, which got everyone worried. Was he possessed? Has he finally gone insane? Whatever it was, it sure wasnt normal at all.

Finally, Rengoku had the guts to finally speak up to Giyuu about the situation. "Hey, who are you talking to?" Giyuu found this the perfect opportunity to introduce Sabito to the hashiras. He thinks that everything will go uphill from there, his life would be much better if they all got along. "His name is Sabito. I've known him since my training" Giyuu introduced with a smile.

Silence. Then a slight laughter. Giyuu, they cant see me. "Huh?" Giyuu stood there for a while, trying to understand what happened. "Ara ara, Tomioka-San has finally gone insane." Shinobu started. "W-what? B-but Sabito is here!!" Giyuu, please-

"Tomioka-san has gotten so tired of not having any friends to the point where he made up an imaginary friend!!" Giyuu steps back, looking at Sabito, who he was sure was there. "Clearly one of you can see him!! Zenitsu?" Zenitsu shakes his head. "I-inosuke?" "Who you trying to fool, I dont see any Sabertoe." Giyuu steps back a bit more. "Surely Tanjirou can see him!!" Tanjirou nods. "Yeah, he really is there!! Believe him!"

"Ara, Tanjirou-San. You dont have to stand up for him if you dont want to" Shinobu responds. Muichiro nods. "Yeah, you're just embarrassing yourself along with him"

"Sabito is really there!!" Giyuu shouted out before looking at Sabito with worried eyes. "Giyuu, please-" "come on, let's just leave him be" the hashiras state while walking away.

"S-sabito? What's the explanation for this??" Giyuu started. "Why werent they able to see you? Sabito-" before Giyuu could've continued, Sabito spoke up. "Because Giyuu. I'm a ghost. Only you can see me" The raven haired man just froze. "Why didnt you say anything then? Why? Let me look like I was talking to myself the whole time?? Why come now even? Why? Why must you have left me in the first place? We could have been together? Sabito-"

The words were silenced once the peach haired brushed his lips onto the raven haired. "I couldnt bare seeing the pain on your face once you found out, but I guess it was inevitable anyways." Sabito stated as he slowly started fading away.

Giyuu noticed and started grabbing onto Sabito once more. "S-sabito! No! Please! Please dont go away!! I need you by my side!! Without you, I'm broken. Sabito! Please! Please dont leave me again!!"

Tears were flowing down both the mens' faces, knowing that the lavender eyed man had to go eventually. He puts on his kitsune mask as he slowly fades away.

"I'm sorry, Giyuu. I love you, but I have to go now" and then he was gone.

A/N: AU where only Giyuu and Tanjirou can see Sabito and Giyuu thinks that Sabito is still alive because both him and Tanjirou can see him, but everyone else thinks that Giyuu is talking to himself and Sabito doesn't want to reveal the truth about himself being a ghost so he doesn't shatter Giyuu's heart. Did this fucking break mi? Yes, yes it did. I love pain Q-Q

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