🥀{|[hidden words]|}🥀

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A/N: just a small poem, take it and enjoy.....if you can that is-

Since the first moment, where toned out lavender met ocean blue,

And smile met smile, heart met heart.

I knew that you were the one for me, and I for you,

Thinking that nothing would tear us apart.

The memories we spent, me calling out your name,

Hoping nothing would change,

Except maybe our status and last names.

But I kept these hidden words to myself, thinking it was lame.

We had our times, the good and the bad,

But no matter what, you were always by my side.

You were the 'happy' in my 'sad', sorta.

Always reminding me of my feelings that I tried to hide.

When we were both injured,

You always tried to help me first,

Saying that your injuries don't really hurt.

Setting these metaphorical butterflies to explode in my heart.

How your light colored hair flown in the wind,

The sunlight hitting your skin as the sky dimmed.

How your voice always beams with light,

The way it always, somehow, sets my thoughts and feelings right.

I have loved you for a long time,

Too afraid to say so, scared that it will shoo you away.

Please, Sabito, don't go, don't die!!

I don't want you to go, please stay!!

Tears falling down my cheeks.

Hoping that this is all a bad dream.

Why, Sabito? Why did you have to leave me?!


I knew that something would tear us apart

Before I got to say my hidden words.

This scenery that happened in front of me, shot me like a dart.

Sabito, if you can hear me, please just know that I love you.

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