🌸{|[Happy birthday, I love you]|}🌸

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SabiGiyuu week day 1: Confession (Giyuu's birthday)

High school AU

Giyuu. Giyuu and his pale and soft face. His deep blue ocean eyes. His long black hair. His voice. Everything about Giyuu was amazing to Sabito. He has been staring for quite a while. To Sabito, Giyuu was a masterpiece, a perfect being. An angel from heaven for sure. 

Mamako caught Sabito gazing at Giyuu once again. It was the 10th time this week, and the week isn't even half way done yet. He was staring at Giyuu more than usual too, which worried Mamako.

"Hey, Sabito-" she tried getting the peach hair's attention, tapping his shoulder. "You're being gay again." she said with a laugh, resulting in a blushing Sabito. "Sorry, I really cant help it" he responds sheepishly.

The girl sighs at her dumb friend before continuing. "What's up recently? You keep staring at him- well, more than usual at least" the younger girl asked. "Well, I've been thinking...since Giyuus birthday is coming up...what if I get him something different this year?" He responds, blushing while looking back at the blue eyed man.

"Whoa woah there, Sabi-hoe!! Yall arent even dating yet" she joked before bursting into laughter, which resulted to Sabito lightly punching her. "Not like that, Mamako!! I meant like- what if- I- ugh, I dont know--" he panicked while burying his face into his hands.

"'What if' what, Sabito?" Mamako asked innocently. Sabito's face stayed buried in his hands. "Man up. That's what you always say anyways!" "W-what if I confess to him this time?" Sabito finally responded.

Mamako smiled in response. "You're dumb, you know that? About time you did so." She proceeded to pat the lavender eye's back. "Do ya know how you're gonna ask him?" Sabito paused for a while, thinking deeply. "To be honest, no... what about if I go up to him like 'happy birthday bro. Love you full homo.' How does that sound?"

Mamako just looked at the man before face palming. "What the fu- no. You arent gonna go up to him like that!! You need a proper way to confess to him!!" She then motioned Sabito to follow her. "Come to my place, I'll help you out." Sabito just nods in response, following Mamako.

In the background, Giyuu spots Sabito and Mamako walking away without even saying goodbye to him. The black haired man felt a bit betrayed, watching them go, but he tried to shove it off. Maybe they were in a rush? But why exactly?

Meanwhile, Mamako was casually lecturing Sabito about how to properly ask someone out. "You gotta be considerate of the other person's feelings, and act G e n u i n e" she said before staring intensely at Sabito, which sent shivers down his spine. "No joking around, got it" he recited.

"Good. Next, ya gotta have some sort of gift for him, it is his birthday afterall" Mamako continue as Sabito nodded before looking at a flower shop near by. "Hey, Mamako, how about flowers?" The peach haired asked. She looks at the flower shop and back to Sabito, smiling.

"Yeah!! That's perfect!! You're getting the hang of it!!" She said, congratulating him. Sabito chuckled sheepishly before sighing. "Giyuu's birthday is in a few days, would that be enough time?" Sabito asked before slightly panicking once more. "Psht, you'll be fine, I guarantee it!!" The man calmed down a bit. "Thanks, Mamako. You're a real one."

2 days later. The day before Giyuu's birthday. After school finished, Giyuu ran up to Sabito. "Hey, Sabito!! Wait up!" He said before catching up, taking his breath. Sabito stopped for Giyuu, staring at him once more, losing focus on the whole world.

It felt like it was only him and Giyuu in the world. It felt like sheer heaven. Giyuu looked up at Sabito with a smile, which then slightly faded away. "Sabito? Are you sick? You're all red!! Did something happen?"

Sabito snapped out of his thoughts, not noticing that he was red. "O-oh!! That's just nothing, hehe, I'm fine. D-dont worry about me!" Giyuu just looked at Sabito more intensely. "You sure? I dont want you to get sick, you know" Sabito, come on. Man up!!

"Y-yeah, I'm sure!! Dont worry about it." The peach hair started before looking to the side of him. "B-by the way, wanna meet up tomorrow?" Sabito asked the other male, receiving a smile from the black haired man.

"Sure!! I'm free tomorrow anyways!! Where to?" The peach haired man just smiled in joy before responding. "How about at the park?" "Sounds like a plan. See ya there, Sabito!!" Giyuu smiled before walking away, leaving a love struck Sabito behind him.

The next day was the day. Sabito was dressed in casual clothing, his hair tied back, the flowers that Mamako bought for him in his hand. "A-are you sure its gonna work?? I mean, what if he rejects me?" Mamako pats Sabito's shoulder. "You'll be ok. He'll accept you, dont worry. Good luck!!" Mamako says as she goes off.

As Sabito stood there, he saw Giyuu, looking as amazing as ever. His amazing smile just making Sabito weak at his knees, butterflies in his stomach. Will i be able to do it?

Sabito walks up to the black haired man. "H-hey, Giyuu!!" Sabito stated, all red, before handing Giyuu the flowers. "Happy birthday." Giyuu blushes at the sight of the lavender eyed man handing him the flowers, accepting the plants before smiling.

"Th-thank you, Sabito" he said as his ocean blue eyes met the lavender ones. Sabito smiles back before sighing. "Giyuu. I've always wanted to say that I love you. I love everything about you from your eyes, your personality, your voice- everything." He starts, his eyes never leaving Giyuu's. "Giyuu, I love you"

Giyuu stands there a few seconds, processing everything that happened. Once he did, he smiles before pecking the peach hair's lips. "Sabito. I love you too."

Sabito smiled in response before kissing Giyuu once again. "Be my boyfriend?" He asked the smaller. Giyuu nods, holding Sabito's hands before saying: "yes."

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