🥀{|[Beautiful, just like you]|}🌸

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Sabigiyuu week day 4: sunset

High school AU

A/N: remember when I said that this was gonna be fluff only?....yeah, I lied

(TW: mentions of suicide and self harm)

The darkness once again creeping up. He had to endure the pain he was feeling. He had to fake his smile. Past experiences of letting out his feelings has let him regret letting them out at all. He now thinks it's better to hold these feelings to himself, bottling them all up until he hurts himself once again.

Giyuu stared at himself in the mirror, his insecurities about his body slowly creeping up to him once again. He then looked at his scars that he cut into his skin. Sure, they hurt like fucking hell but he thought that he deserved to suffer like this. He thinks that this is what he gets for being too god damn naive.

The black haired boy kept on thinking to himself that he should have just went on with his plans and end it all. It will help solve all his troubles that he has currently about life. His sister always says not to consider suicide because "everyone will miss him dearly".

He knows that's a lie.

He knows that that statement was a lie. No one will care if he has gone or not. His sister was only saying that as part of her duty as a "big sister" but she didnt really mean that.

Giyuu covers up his cuts with a long sleeved shirt, wearing a hoodie ontop of that and getting out of his dorm bathroom. He tried to fake a smile before going out to class, knowing that the smile won't really cover his real sorrows.

As Giyuu opens his door to get out of his dorm, he bumped into Sanemi. "HEY WATCH IT!" he yelled at Giyuu before storming away. Yeah, he would TOTALLY  miss him when he dies...

When the school day ended, Giyuu walked around the halls all alone, hoping not to bump into anyone. He tries to hide the scars on his arms, as the sleeves of both layers were loose.

You would expect Giyuu to go and hang out with the others who attend the martial arts club that he goes to, but he knows that none of them would want his company, pushing him away as almost everyone did.

He continued walking until he saw Sabito; the only person that can make him happy. He gets butterflies whenever he sees the peach haired man, as if nothing bad has happened ever.

Everyone questions on how Giyuu only seems to be happy around Sabito and not anyone else. They thought that maybe Giyuu thinks that they are all inferior to him, but it really was the complete opposite.

It's been a few months since Sabito and Giyuu first met, but those lavender eyes of his, along with everything else, have slowly grew onto Giyuu. Giyuu appreciated that there was someone that actually cares about him genuinely, other than his sister at least.

Even if Sabito seems to make everything better, Giyuu could never bring it to himself to tell him about the self harm and his suicidal tendencies. He doesnt want to worry the other male, fearing that his depression is contagious.


Giyuu doesn't want the only thing that brings him happiness, his light, to go in the dark, leaving the both of them to suffer daily. He would rather suffer alone than to let his beloved suffer with him.

The raven haired man walked up to Sabito, smiling. This time it was truly a genuine smile. Sabito noticed and smiled back. "Hey, Giyuu. What's up?" He started, raising his hand up for a high five.

Giyuu looked at Sabito's hand hanging for a while. Should I high five it? I'm getting a few second hand hold from him, even if he doesnt know it. But these sleeves are too loose, I'll expose myself.

"H-hey, Sabito" the blue eyed finally responded, sighing and tugging at his own sleeves, pulling them over his hands before fist bumbing his crush's hanging high five.

The peach haired boy just chuckled at his friend's movement. "That was cute, not gonna lie," he commented, recieving a blushing Giyuu in response. He ruffled his friend's hair. "So, whatcha up to?"

Giyuu shrugs in response, not really having a reason to be around. He just wanted to be with Sabito. That's enough of a reason to be around, right?

Sabito thinks for a moment before looking at the gym next to them. "Wanna go swimming?" He asked. Giyuu just looked away for a while. "S-sure, but I'm not gonna swim. I'll just watch, if that's alright.." he answers, not wanting to infect his scars.

Sabito looked blankly for a while. "Oh, alright." He then smiled while looking into Giyuu's blue eyes. "Let's go then!!" He said as he grabbed Giyuu's arm to drag him over to the swimming pool.

Little did Sabito know, that arm was full of fresh cuts that still stung.

Giyuu tried not to react once Sabito held his arm, but once he started dragging him, the pain increased, resulting to the boy screaming in pain, a few tears falling.

The peach haired boy looked at his friend scream in pain, worried if he gripped on Giyuu's arm too hard. "A-are you ok?? I'm sorry!!" He started panicking.

Giyuu got up, trying to change the topic reassuring that everything is ok. "I'm good, it's not your fault. Let's go to the pool already-" he started, walking away before Sabito stopped him.

"No, let me see your arm! I need to make sure I didnt hurt it badly!!"
"N-no, Sabito, you dont have to-"
"I will check it!!" Sabito insisted, leading to Giyuu giving in. "Fine..."

Sabito rolled up Giyuu's sleeve slowly, revealing all of Giyuu's cuts. Old cuts. New cuts. Faded cuts. Scars. All there.

"G-giyuu- do you-?"
Giyuu sighed, tears falling once again. "Yes.. you happy that I finally told you?"

Sabito felt mixed emotions; pity, anger, concern, care, etc. He didnt know what to do, so he went with his instinct, slapping Giyuu across the face.


He was obviously pissed at Giyuu for not telling him earlier, for doing it in the first place. Sabito kept on shouting at Giyuu, lecturing him on not cutting himself ever again. Tears falling down Sabito's face from anger, while tears falling down Giyuu's from pain.

After Sabito finished, he pulled Giyuu into a tight hug, careful not to hurt him. "Please, Giyuu, dont do that ever again"  he says, comforting Giyuu, who has just started going into a breakdown. "It's alright. I'm here for you, Giyuu. You know that, right?" Giyuu just nods, hugging tighter.

After a few minutes of the two boys calming down, Sabito stood up. "Come with me" he says. Giyuu got up, following Sabito to the roof.

The roof had no rails to protect one from falling. Giyuu felt so tempted to fall of it. He walked to the edge of the roof, closing his eyes while he feels the wind hit his face.

"Giyuu!!" Sabito calls out, waving and signaling Giyuu to come sit next to him, which Giyuu has done. "What are we doing up here?" Giyuu asked softly. Sabito chuckled. "You'll see" he said as he points to the sunset.

Once Giyuu looked at the sunset, he fell in awe. It was magnificent. Like magic, it calmed him down from all his troubles, making him smile once more.

"Its beautiful, Sabito" the raven haired boy says, laying his head on the peach haired boy's shoulder. Sabito looked at Giyuu with care and love, smiling. "It is. Just like you"

A/N: I referenced a lot of shit here, yall better get at least one of these references 😭

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